Philippine Bible Society Celebrates 125th Anniversary

News | 17 Desember 2024

Philippine Bible Society Celebrates 125th Anniversary

On November 23, the Philippine Bible Society (PBS) held a grand celebration to mark 125 years of Bible Society ministry in the Philippines—a testament to how God has been with PBS every step of the way. The event was held at the PBS Tower, located in the Philippine capital, Manila.


PBS Secretary General Victoria Esperanza Z. Cartera reflected on God’s presence in PBS’s long journey in her remarks:

“The Philippine Bible Society has gone through many challenges: typhoons, earthquakes, floods, fires, war crises, economic crises, pandemics, and changes in leadership, both in the PBS ministry and in the leadership of the country. However, none of these challenges could stop the mission of translating God’s Word into various languages ​​and distributing it to Filipinos everywhere.”


He further stated:

"...In my 36 years at PBS, I have witnessed how God has used the Bible Society to change the lives of thousands of people—including myself. Every person who has ever been and is currently a part of this ministry is chosen by God. Our ministry of presenting the Bible is no accident. For us, it is a great honor and privilege to serve the Lord through the Philippine Bible Society."


The theme of the anniversary celebration was inspired by Paul's writing to the Romans, "Neither the things in heaven nor the things in the earth nor anything else can keep God from loving us as he has shown in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:39, ESV)


Celebrating Milestones

Turning 125 years is a moment to be thankful for. This significant milestone was celebrated with a variety of events:

  • The inauguration of the PBS Bible Museum, which depicts the chronology of "How the Bible Came to Us."
  •  A Bible parade featuring several published Bible translations from the three main islands of the Philippines – presented by PBS staff and representatives from PBS partner translation organizations.


A recorded welcome from the World Fellowship of Bible Societies (WBS) General Secretary, Rev. Dirk Gevers.

  • A recorded welcome from the British and Foreign Bible Society CEO, Paul Williams.
  •  A written message from the American Bible Society President and CEO, Dr. Jennifer Holloran.
  • A welcome from PBS President Reynato S. Puno.


In his message, UBS General Secretary Rev. Gevers referred to 2 Timothy in his encouragement of WBS and their continuing legacy:

“As you have passed on what was given to you by your predecessors, you are also laying the foundation for those who will carry on your ministry in the years to come. Indeed, this is a testimony to the truth of what the apostle Paul wrote to Timothy when he made the affirmation, “…the word of God is not bound.” The word of God cannot be bound. But the word of God is living and active, always seeking – to bring to people the love of God that saves us from sin.”


At the service and anniversary celebration, former administrators (former Chairperson, former Board Members, former Secretary General) who have left their leadership footprints and the Board of Directors who are still actively serving today received awards for their dedication and spirit of service.


The event was made even more lively and lively by performances by various choirs, the Archstar Percussion Marching Band, and the Rizalia Cultural Group from Rizal University of Technology, as well as reflections from guest speaker, Rev. Dr. Stephen Tan, and a cake-cutting ceremony.


PBS also launched its latest history book that tells the story of PBS’s ministry from its inception to today. In addition, a special 125th anniversary edition Bible was published, containing the 1903 Tagalog New Testament and the 1905 Tagalog Old Testament. Both were the first complete translations of the Bible into Filipino. The commemorative Bibles were offered to donors for $100 each to raise funds for PBS’s ongoing Philippine Sign Language Bible translation project.


History of the Philippine Bible Society

In 1898, over 300 years of Spanish colonial rule in the Philippines finally came to an end. Although the Bible Society’s ministry in the Philippines had begun long before 1899, it was not until the arrival of Reverend Jay Goodrich—who was appointed by the American Bible Society (ABS) to serve as the ABS agent in Manila—that the Bible Society’s ministry was officially recognized. Four days after Reverend Goodrich arrived in Manila, on November 26, he established the first ABS Bible depot in the Philippines.


For the next 125 years, the Bible Society in the Philippines has been marked by the dedication and collaboration of various groups to make the Scriptures accessible to Filipinos in their native languages. During the late 19th century, the American Bible Society (ABS) and the British and Foreign Bible Society (BFBS) worked together to produce the first translations of the Bible into Tagalog and other regional languages. Over the years, local translators and missionaries expanded their efforts, publishing Bibles in a variety of regional languages ​​widely spoken in the Philippines such as Cebuano, Ilokano, and Hiligaynon. Their perseverance laid a solid foundation for the continuation of the work of Bible translation and distribution despite frequent natural disasters and disruptions due to war.


In the mid-20th century, the Bible Society Agency in the Philippines developed into an independent institution, and achieved full independence in 1966, marked by its membership in the United Bible Societies (UBS). Since its independence, Bible translation activities have made significant progress, including interdenominational and interconfessional translations that bring together translators and Bible scholars from the Catholic, Evangelical, and mainline Protestant churches. PBS has also played a significant role in shaping the national culture, pioneering National Bible Week and National Bible Month activities and launching accessible, meaning-based (dynamic functional) Bible versions such as the Tagalog Magandang Balita Biblia. Through these efforts, PBS has become an independent organization and has made significant contributions to the global Bible translation movement.


In recent decades, PBS has embraced technological advances to bring the Bible more into the lives of its people. PBS also releases new materials including Scripture selections and tracts, as well as audio Bible recordings and diglot Bibles. Major projects, including the “May They Be One” campaign and translations for underrepresented languages ​​and communities, also continue to make God’s Word accessible to all.


PBS continues to innovate to make the Bible readily available and accessible to all generations in the Philippines. PBS recently launched Ang Bible: Pinoy Version, a heterogeneous Bible translation in Taglish. Taglish is a blend of English and Tagalog, primarily spoken by young Filipinos in metropolitan Manila but also in other parts of the Philippines. In addition, PBS has also released the Bible app BibliApp Pilipinas to ensure that God’s Word reaches all Filipinos wherever they are.


As we grow older and meet the needs of today’s generation, PBS remains steadfast in its vision of making the Bible available to all. The Bible Society used to rely solely on the work of colporteurs and missionary women to spread the Bible translation to various parts of the Philippines, but now through its Bible app, PBS can reach all Filipinos, wherever they are. Truly, there is no limit to the Word of God, for by God’s grace, PBS will continue to work with its partner churches and organizations to spread the Bible beyond geographical boundaries, media, and senses. Because the Bible is truly for everyone.


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