This website ('') is owned and operated by the Indonesian Bible Society (LAI). These Terms and Conditions of Use ('Terms and Conditions') contain the terms, agreements, and conditions under which you (referred to here as the 'User') can access and use this Site and its content. These Terms and Conditions, together with any Special Terms, Other Agreements (defined below), and the Privacy Policy form a unified agreement between you and us.
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By using any part of this Site, you acknowledge that you have read these Terms and Conditions, understand them, and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
You also hereby acknowledge that you have read and understood the Privacy Policy and consent to the use of your Personal Data as set forth by LAI. If you do not wish to be bound by the terms of these Terms and Conditions, do not use this Site.
1. License Grant
These Terms and Conditions grant you an individual, revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Site, subject to your ongoing compliance with these Terms and Conditions. You may print and download from the Site solely for non-commercial use, as defined in our copyright policy, provided you comply with all applicable copyright policies. If you download any content from this site, you may not remove any accompanying copyright, trademark, or other notices. The use of such content may also be governed by Special Terms as outlined here. Except as stated above and except as expressly permitted herein, you may not modify, copy, distribute, broadcast, transmit, reproduce, publish, license, transfer, sell, mirror, 'deep link,' 'scrape,' data mine, recompile, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, display, upload, create derivative works, or compile a database, or in any way exploit any portion of the site or use any information or material obtained from or through the Site. Except in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, you may not post any content from the Site on forums, newsgroups, listservs, mailing lists, electronic bulletin boards, or other websites without prior written consent from LAI. You represent to LAI that you will not use the Site for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms and Conditions, including but not limited to any attempt or actual action to (i) interfere with, disrupt, or otherwise impair the Site or linked websites, (ii) collect information about other users of the Site or linked websites, including registration information, passwords.
2. Intellectual Property Rights; Usage Rights; Site Modification
- All materials contained on the Site, unless otherwise stated, are protected by laws including, but not limited to, Indonesian copyright and trademark laws, as well as other local, national, and international laws and regulations. We refer you to the Special Terms.
- The Site, content, layout, and design are the exclusive property of LAI or its licensors and, except as expressly stated herein, LAI does not grant you any express or implied rights to such materials. The content of the Site is © Indonesian Bible Society. LAI holds the copyright to the Site as a collective work and/or compilation. LAI also holds copyright to, or licenses for, all databases accessible on the Site and in the selection, coordination, arrangement, aggregation, and enhancement of Site content. LAI reserves the right to use all such databases and Submissions for any purpose not inconsistent with this or our agreement with you. If you believe that this Site infringes any copyright or other intellectual property rights you hold or on behalf of whom you are authorized to act, please follow these steps:
- Send an email to: Please mark the subject line of your email, 'License.'
- By mail addressed to:Copyright & LicensingIndonesian Bible SocietyJl. Salemba Raya no 12 Jakarta, 10430
- The LAI logo, and all other names, logos, and icons identifying LAI products and services and/or LAI are trademarks of LAI or its licensors. Third-party product and company names mentioned here are the trademarks of their respective owners. YOU MAY NOT USE LAI TRADEMARKS, LOGOS, OR THIRD-PARTY TRADEMARKS IN ANY MANNER THAT MAY MISLEAD THAT SUCH USE IS ASSOCIATED WITH YOU OR, EXCEPT AS PERMITTED UNDER THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, AND YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY OWNERSHIP RIGHTS TO SUCH LOGOS, TRADEMARKS, ETC.
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3. Site Usage Limitations
YOU AGREE TO USE THE SITE ONLY FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE AND BENEFIT AND TO COMPLY WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE SPECIFIED. You may not use the Site in any manner inconsistent with these Terms and Conditions, including:
- To use, transfer, distribute, or dispose of any information contained in the Site in any way that may affect LAI activities;
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- invades the privacy of individuals or others;
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- contains immoral or inappropriate negative comments about the Bible, Jesus Christ, other religious sects, texts, or organizations, or includes fake or unauthentic texts.
4. Any commercial, promotional, or information request, or (iii) 'malware' including, but not limited to, spam or hyperlinks to viruses, work, or any other harmful content.
5. Donation
- A donation is an asset contribution in any form, including a sum of money, given by a Donor to LAI, through electronic authorization via the LAI website, or otherwise.
- Donor: an individual or legal entity who donates, has donated, or will donate to LAI to support the Vision and Mission of LAI, namely:
- LAI Vision: To make the Word of God available to everyone in a language they can understand so they may encounter and interact with God and experience new life in Christ.
- LAI Mission: To translate, produce, publish, and distribute the Bible and its parts in as many languages as possible, in various forms and media, and at an affordable cost. To foster cooperation with Churches and Christian institutions to ensure that God's people who read and hear God's Word know and live in Jesus Christ, the central message of the Good News. To gather support from the community, Churches, and government.
- By making a donation, the Donor agrees that LAI has the right to use the donation as per the supported program and in line with the Vision, Mission, Objectives, and statutes of LAI.
- Donations cannot be revoked, except at the request of the Donor, by contacting us through our website, along with an acceptable reason. LAI reserves the right to refuse if the cancellation lacks valid reason or cannot be processed due to system or third-party constraints.
- LAI will provide the Donor with a donation receipt (system-generated) or upon the Donor's request.
6. Privacy
Please see the LAI Privacy Policy for a summary of LAI's practices regarding the collection and use of personal data in connection with the Site. By using the Site, you agree to LAI's collection and use of Personal Data as described therein, including the right to view, monitor, and record activities on the Site without further notice or permission from you, to the extent permitted by law. Any information obtained through monitoring, reviewing, or recording is subject to law enforcement inquiries or prosecution concerning possible criminal activities on the Site. LAI will also comply with any court orders regarding requests for such information.
7. Assumption of Risk
You use the Internet at your own risk and are subject to all applicable national and international laws and regulations. Although LAI has made efforts to create a secure and reliable Website, please be aware that the confidentiality of any communication or material transmitted to/from the Website via the Internet cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, LAI and its licensors and partners are not responsible for the security of any information transmitted over the Internet, the accuracy of the information on the Site, or the consequences of reliance on such information.
8. Links to Other Websites
LAI may, at its discretion, provide links to other Websites on the World Wide Web for your convenience in searching for related information and services. These Websites are not necessarily reviewed by LAI and are managed by third parties over whom LAI has no control. Therefore, LAI expressly disclaims responsibility for the content, accuracy of information, quality of products or services provided or advertised on, and/or software downloaded from these third-party Websites. Additionally, these links do not imply endorsement of any third party or any Website, product, or service provided by any third party.
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