
History of the Indonesian Bible Society

Before LAI Was Founded:

Long before the establishment of the Indonesian Bible Society (Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia or LAI), on June 4, 1814, a Bible Society was founded in Batavia (now Jakarta) under the leadership of Governor-General Thomas Stamford Raffles. This Bible Society was a subsidiary of the British Bible Society and was named The Java Auxiliary Bible Society (JABS).

When the British occupation was replaced by the Dutch occupation in 1816, the Bible Society was renamed the Netherlands East Indies Bible Society (Nederlands Oost-Indisch Bijbelgenootschap) or also known as the Batavia Bible Society (Bataviaas Bijbelgenootschap). Little is known about the activities of this Bible Society. Long before the establishment of LAI, the distribution of Bibles and their parts in Indonesia was carried out by the British Bible Society and the Dutch Bible Society. Until 1937, the Dutch Bible Society distributed Bibles through its representative (agent) in Bandung, while the British Bible Society distributed Bibles through its representative in Manila with a sub-agent for the Java-Bali region also based in Bandung. On January 1, 1938, the two agents were united and headquartered at Burgemeester Kuhrweg 7 (now Jalan Purnawarman), Bandung.

With the outbreak of World War II, on November 11, 1940, the Bible agency was transferred to Indonesian hands. Mr. Giok Pwee Khouw was appointed to lead the agency and was based at Nijlandweg 56 (now Jalan Cipaganti), Bandung. Meanwhile, the distribution of Bibles and their parts continued during the war through Bible depots and individuals scattered throughout Indonesia.

In 1945, the Bible agency was handed over to the Dutch Bible Society, and Mr. Giok Pwee Khouw was transferred to Makassar. It was only after Indonesia's sovereignty was recognized by the international community in 1950 that the Bible agency was moved to Jakarta, headquartered at Jalan Teuku Umar No. 34.

The Establishment of LAI:

In 1950, coinciding with the Republic of Indonesia's admission to the United Nations, several Christian leaders began to initiate the establishment of LAI. In line with the aspirations of national independence, the desire emerged to be self-sufficient and fully responsible for the provision and distribution of Bibles. Although efforts to establish an independent national Bible society had been made since 1951, it was not until February 9, 1954, that the Notarial Deed of establishment of the Indonesian Bible Society as a foundation was signed before Notary Elisa Pondaag. The Notarial Deed, numbered 101, recorded the first board members of LAI. The first Board of the LAI Foundation was as follows: Chairman: Dr. Todung Sutan Gunung Mulia; Vice Chairman: Elvianus Katoppo; Secretary/Treasurer: Mr. Giok Pwee Khouw; Members: Mrs. Tjitjih Leimena, Rev. Peter Dominggus Latuihamallo, Rev. Mas Komarlin Tjakraatmadja, Rev. Pouw Ie Gan, and Rev. Raden Saptojo Judokusumo.

Meanwhile, in 1952, LAI was accepted as an associate member of the World Bible Societies Fellowship at its meeting in Ootacamund, India; and became a full member at the World Bible Societies Fellowship meeting in Eastbourne, England in April 1954. Since the establishment of LAI until now, several individuals have served as General Secretary of LAI, including: Mr. Giok Pwee Khouw; Ph.J. Sigar, S.H; Rev. W.J. Rumambi; Rev. Chr. A. Kiting; Drs. Supardan, M.A., Harsiatmo Duta Pranowo, MBA.; and Dr. Sigit Triyono, who has served since 2019 until now.

The Indonesian Bible Society (LAI) exists to translate, publish, and distribute the Bible and its parts in Indonesian and regional languages.
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To carry out these tasks, LAI divides its work tasks into 10 departments: Translation Department, Production and Publishing Department, Planning and Control Department, Distribution and Marketing Department, Communication and Partnership Department, Digital Services and Development Department, Finance and Accounting Department, Organizational Development Department, and General Affairs Department, as well as Internal Audit Unit. All departments are located at Jalan Salemba Raya No. 12, Central Jakarta. While the Production and Publishing Department is located at Jalan Roda Pembangunan No. 96, Nanggewer Km. 49, Cibinong, Bogor, West Java. In carrying out its duties in the regions, LAI is supported by its Representative Offices in Medan, Manado, Makassar and Jayapura.
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The Indonesian Bible Society is responsible for translating the Bible and its parts from the original manuscripts into Indonesian and regional languages spread throughout Indonesia.

Head Office

Jl. Salemba Raya no.12 Jakarta, Indonesia 10430

Telp. (021) 314 28 90


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No Rek 3423 0162 61

Bank Mandiri Cabang Gambir Jakarta

No Rek 1190 0800 0012 6

Bank BNI Cabang Kramat Raya

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Bank BRI Cabang Kramat Raya

No Rek 0335 0100 0281 304

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