Living Source News

Warta Sumber Hidup (WSH) is a form of communication from the Indonesia Bible Society (LAI) to Christians to introduce LAI programs, products, and articles related to the Bible and living a life of faith in the context of Indonesia. Through WSH, LAI seeks to further introduce the identity, role and impact of the Bible in Indonesia and LAI itself to the people of Indonesia. In addition, WSH can also be a reflection for the people to translate their faith into their daily lives.

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The Indonesian Bible Society is responsible for translating the Bible and its parts from the original manuscripts into Indonesian and regional languages spread throughout Indonesia.

Head Office

Jl. Salemba Raya no.12 Jakarta, Indonesia 10430

Telp. (021) 314 28 90


Bank Account

Bank BCA Cabang Matraman Jakarta

No Rek 3423 0162 61

Bank Mandiri Cabang Gambir Jakarta

No Rek 1190 0800 0012 6

Bank BNI Cabang Kramat Raya

No Rek 001 053 405 4

Bank BRI Cabang Kramat Raya

No Rek 0335 0100 0281 304

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