Because Christ Loves All People

News | 13 Januari 2025

Because Christ Loves All People

LAI and Services for the Visually Disabled


Every January 4, the international community commemorates World Braille Day to emphasize the importance of braille as a communication tool to realize the human right of every blind individual to information and knowledge. The United Nations (UN) General Assembly in 2018 officially set this date to commemorate the birthday of Louis Braille, the inventor of this writing system that utilizes the touch of the hand.


UBS and LAI Braille Ministry

Bible societies around the world in recent years have not only carried out basic work such as translating the Bible into various mother tongues, distributing the Bible to various regions or developing digital services. They also expand the reach of their services to people with blind disabilities, making Braille Bibles available in various languages ​​to ensure easy access for the blind to the Word of God while also offering love, care, and friendship.


The Indonesian Bible Society (LAI) has a vision of God's Word Reaching All Generations. Since the beginning, LAI has been called to serve all Christians from various church denominations and various backgrounds, including the blind. Working with its partners, LAI has endeavored to provide free Braille Bibles for the blind in Indonesia. The production of Braille Bibles is carried out through cooperation between LAI and the Australian Bible Society. Its delivery throughout Indonesia is made possible with the support of LAI's service donors.


Currently, Braille Bibles and other Braille prints can be printed directly in Indonesia. Sentra Wyata Guna (SWG) Printing in Bandung has equipment capable of printing Bibles and books using Braille.


Rev. Ritson Manyonyo, a pastor and Chairman of the Elsafan Foundation which serves the blind, said that the availability of Braille Bibles is very important for the blind. "If blind Indonesian Christians get Braille Bibles, their faith will grow. They will become strong individuals, who do not pity their own children, who will not beg and bother many people. If the blind live prosperously and freely, they will be able to become God's co-workers."


Braille ministry is active in 40+ countries.

The complete Braille Bible is currently available in more than 50 languages ​​in the world. Meanwhile, more than 200 languages ​​in the world have several Braille books (only the New Testament or only a few books in the Bible).


In addition, there are more than 100 books in Braille script issued by Bible institutions that contain contents outside the Bible, for example: Literacy (basic reading and writing), textbooks, HIV, Covid-19, or calendars.


Every year Bible institutions in various parts of the world provide Braille Bibles and various other materials to help tens of thousands of people with visual disabilities gain access to God's word and other knowledge.


UBS Ministry to People with Visual Disabilities (PVD)

The United Bible Societies (UBS) began developing a ministry for the visually impaired around 1983, when the UBS conference was held in Darmstadt, Germany.


Prior to that year, there had been a variety of formats and layouts used to transcribe the Bible text into Braille. The main purpose of the conference was to address the issue of duplication or overlapping services. There was a need for a Braille Bible with a unified and structured design and layout. The Darmstadt conference was attended by 47 representatives from 17 Bible societies and several other organizations. The conference also addressed questions that had arisen regarding Braille literacy, since at that time many visually impaired people were still unfamiliar with Braille.


The initial outcome of this important meeting was the publication in 1985 of a document entitled 'Transcribing the Bible into Braille'. This document summarized the agreement on Bible Layout, providing a standard approach. Remarkably, this 1985 manual is still the basis for Braille Bible layout today, albeit in an updated form.


Bringing the Good News to all people, including the visually impaired, is evidence that Bible societies and their church partners serve all people and do not pigeonhole people. Bible societies and churches are called to serve all people without exception. The Good News must be expressed in the lives of people who are often oppressed and marginalized. Because Christ loves everyone.

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The Indonesian Bible Society is responsible for translating the Bible and its parts from the original manuscripts into Indonesian and regional languages spread throughout Indonesia.

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