One of the attractions of the Bible Week activities held in various regions in Indonesia is the Biblical Objects Museum Exhibition. How could it not be? In this exhibition, visitors can see antique and historical objects that appear in various stories in the Bible. From the sling used by David against Goliath, to the crown of thorns worn during the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus. These objects come from various places with different time periods, so that visitors seem to be invited to explore different dimensions of historical time.
However, did you know? This exhibition comes alive and interactive thanks to the reliable guides brought in from the LAI head office in Jakarta. They are the ones who consistently guide Bible tourism activities at the LAI Bible Center Building (GPA), Salemba.
Last week, this exhibition was held again at the Biak Bible Week on October 31 to November 2, 2024. This time, LAI sent Wahyu Anasrullah and Costaria Saragi as guides. Since the first day, even before the opening service of Bible Week, guests and participants had begun arriving at the museum. They came from various schools and church denominations in Biak, including the Bahtera Injil Church, the Yahwe Sebaut Samau Evangelical Christian Church (GKI), GKI HIB Sorido, and other churches in the Biak area. Visitors of various ages, from grandmothers, mothers, fathers, youth, teenagers, and children, were present and enthusiastic about learning the history of the Bible.
One interesting moment was when a mother from one of the churches in Biak diligently recorded all the explanations given by Costaria, one of the guides. "This mother was very diligent in recording all the explanations about these Bible objects. From 12 noon to 4 pm she continued to record. We were touched!" said Costaria, who is familiarly called Costa. Meanwhile, Wahyu Anasrullah, who is familiarly called Anas, on the second day guarded and guided the museum until midnight because there was a Partner Meeting Night event in the GKI Elizabeth yard. Even though they were tired, their faces remained cheerful as they welcomed and accompanied the guests. In a video taken at 21.30 WIT, Anas was still enthusiastic about accompanying the Sunday School children from one of the churches. They were invited to try blowing the trumpet, and Anas continued to encourage them. "Come on, keep going, keep going, keep going!!" he said, motivating the children who were increasingly enthusiastic about playing the trumpet.
The second night, November 1, was perhaps the hardest night for the Bible Museum guides. They arrived the earliest in the morning to start Bible Week, and went home the latest at midnight after serving the guests who visited the museum.
Finally, on the third day, November 2, 2024, the Bible Museum exhibition officially ended along with the closing service of Biak Bible Week 2024. The guests were happy, so that the physical exhaustion of the guides was paid off with the happy laughter of visitors who had gained a lot of knowledge about historical objects in the Bible. Costa's enthusiastic shouts can still be heard when explaining about the sling, the weapon used by David against Goliath. "No! Not a slingshot, ladies, that David used when fighting Goliath. This is a tool, called a sling!”
The total number of visitors who came to the Biblical Objects Museum exhibition at Biak Bible Week reached 1,477 people. It is hoped that through this experience, every visitor will be more enthusiastic about reading God's Word.