News | 6 Februari 2025


Dynasty politics is not a new concept. In the history of royal government, dynasty politics is a common system, including in Bible stories. Dynasty politics is a system of government based on the succession of power through bloodlines. In the Bible, this system began to be seen in the transition of leadership from King David to Solomon. However, long before that, there was a tendency to implement dynasty politics, as Samuel did when he appointed his sons, Joel and Abijah as judges in Beersheba (1 Samuel 8:1-3). Unfortunately, Samuel's sons did not follow in their father's footsteps and instead abused their power by accepting bribes and perverting justice.


The Israelites' request to have a king to lead them (1 Samuel 8:4-22) was the beginning of the monarchy system of government in Israel. This request arose from disappointment with the leadership of Joel and Abijah, which was far from good, as well as the desire to have a more structured leadership, like other nations around them. Samuel, as a prophet, warned that monarchy could have serious consequences, including exploitation of the people by the ruling king. However, the people still wanted a king, and God eventually gave Saul as the first king for Israel.


Unlike the absolute monarchy system in other nations, dynastic politics in the Bible still contains elements of theocracy, namely leadership that is subject to God's laws and decrees. Some principles that can be found in dynastic politics according to the Bible include,


  • God's sovereignty in determining the king. In the case of David, his election as king was not based on Saul's lineage, but on God's choice (1 Samuel 16:1-13). This shows that the succession of leadership is not only based on bloodline, but also the will of God.
  • Leadership that fears God. A king in Israel is expected to run the government with fear of God and adhere to His laws (Deuteronomy 17:14-20). If the king deviates, he can lose his throne, as happened to Saul.
  • Responsibility to the people. The king is responsible for ensuring the welfare of his people, not acting arbitrarily, and not exploiting resources for personal gain. Unfortunately, this is often neglected, as happened during the reign of Solomon who imposed high taxes on the people to finance large projects (1 Kings 12:4).


Dynastic politics in the Bible shows the complexity of leadership that is not only administrative, but also theological. Leadership in the Bible is not just a hereditary inheritance, but must also be subject to God's will and be responsible for the welfare of the people. The Davidic dynasty, although it was the peak of Israel's political glory, still showed weaknesses in implementing the principles of justice and faith. In the current context, the principles of leadership in the Bible can be a critical reflection on the political system that is being implemented, especially in terms of accountability, people's welfare, and submission to higher moral values.


Thus, reading the Bible from a political perspective is not something excessive, but rather an approach that enriches our understanding of how God led His people through various systems of government that have ever existed. Dynastic politics in the Bible provides a valuable lesson that power that is not exercised with the fear of God and on the side of the people will not last long, as dynasties in history eventually collapsed because they failed to maintain their basic vision.


Empires come and go, systems can be dismantled because they are not tested by time, by the real needs of human life. Which empire will survive if it does not maintain its vision, namely the interests of its people?

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