Reflections on the Faith Journey from Ash Wednesday to Pentecost.
Greetings to Bible Friends!
Soon we will enter the Lenten season. Let us prepare ourselves to reflect on the message behind the time of suffering to His victory. We invite you to join the Easter Journey, a means of faith journey to help us live every step towards Easter to Pentecost.
In the Easter Journey, we invite you to reflect on meaningful themes that will lead us to understand His glory through the path of suffering to victory over death. Each reflection is expected to be an opportunity to reflect on life in the present.
You will receive reflections in stages via newsletter on: Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Silent Saturday, Easter, Ascension of the Lord Jesus, and Pentecost.
Let's join the Easter Journey. Register yourself now, and invite your family and friends to join. Together, let's make this a valuable time to reflect and grow in faith.