Bible Tour Package

For those who want to bring a group to visit the Bible Library and Museum and see the Bible printing process directly at the LAI Printing House, a Bible Tour Package is available.

Terms and Conditions of the Bible Tour Package

  • Group visit times are available Monday - Saturday

    • Morning: 09.00 - 12.00 WIB
    • Afternoon: 13.00 - 16.00 WIB
  • Group visit options from Monday - Saturday

    • Bible Center Building in Salemba, Central Jakarta & LAI Printing House in Nanggewer, Cibinong (Monday - Friday)
    • Bible Center Building in Salemba, Central Jakarta (Monday - Saturday)
    • LAI Printing House in Nanggewer, Cibinong (Monday - Friday)
  • Number of participants from 15 to 75, ranging from kindergarten to elderly.

  • Event Rundown

    • Visit to the Bible Center Building
    • DurationActivityMaterial
      10 MinutesReceived in the ground floor lobbyExplanation of the Study Edition Bible, Bible Center Building, supporting panels for Bible Center construction
      30 - 50 minutesPresentation in the Audio Visual roomExplanation of the founding of the Indonesian Bible Society in the world to LAI
      Explanation of why the Bible is translated into various languages
      30 - 50 minutesPresentation in the Audio Visual roomExplanation of the history of the Bible Society worldwide to LAI
      Biblical LibraryExplanation of the Biblical Library collection, ancient collection room, children’s collection room, and biblical plants.
      Bible HouseView LAI products and shop for Bibles and sections as well as non-LAI publications.
      20 MinutesDocumentary Video ScreeningVideo of the Bible printing process and/or LAI services
      30 MinutesQuizQuestions about presentations, museum collections, library and video
      Closing Prayer (Departure)Departure prayer from group representative
    • Visit to Bible Printing in Nanggewer, Bogor (Monday to Friday)
    • ±60 minutesTravel from Salemba to Printing.
      120Printing TourPExplanation of the printing process from start to finished Bible.


  • Please contact at least two weeks before the planned visit date
  • Please send an official request letter (via post, fax, or email) from the church/school/institution addressed to:
    Indonesian Bible Society
    Library & Museum Division
    Jl. Salemba Raya No. 12 Central Jakarta
    Phone: 021-3142890 / Fax: 021-310106
  • Each church/school/institution is expected to provide a love offering to support LAI’s service
  • Jl. Salemba Raya is a restricted area for odd/even license plate vehicles. Please adjust if bringing a private vehicle
  • Jl. Salemba Raya does not allow bus/minibus parking; parking will be directed to the Senen area (escorted by LAI security) and a parking fee of Rp. 100,000/unit will apply.
For more information contact:
Costaria Saragi: Mobile/WhatsApp ;
Anas: Mobile/WhatsApp ;
Logo LAILogo Mitra

The Indonesian Bible Society is responsible for translating the Bible and its parts from the original manuscripts into Indonesian and regional languages spread throughout Indonesia.

Head Office

Jl. Salemba Raya no.12 Jakarta, Indonesia 10430

Telp. (021) 314 28 90


Bank Account

Bank BCA Cabang Matraman Jakarta

No Rek 3423 0162 61

Bank Mandiri Cabang Gambir Jakarta

No Rek 1190 0800 0012 6

Bank BNI Cabang Kramat Raya

No Rek 001 053 405 4

Bank BRI Cabang Kramat Raya

No Rek 0335 0100 0281 304

LAI Products

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