Everyone certainly wants a healthy body condition. Isn't that what we pray for every moment of increasing age? However, illness often comes and hinders our activities. It is really hard, especially if the illness is quite severe and must be suffered for a long period of time. This is where the real challenge lies. The illness experienced not only attacks the physical but also our soul and spirituality. Despair often arises, accompanied by the question of whether I will be healed. Until at one point we become tired of asking Him and are tempted to stop hoping. When that happens, the body also gives up fighting. Job also experienced such severe illness. A person who was so pious and obedient to God. Before the illness in the form of a rotten boil befell Job, he had lost his children and all his possessions. The illness and the disappearance of everything Job had was part of Satan's actions to prove that Job became pious and obedient because he had everything, when everything was taken from him, could Job still maintain his piety. When everything he owned was gone, Job remained faithful to God. Satan still doubted, he was sure that Job would blaspheme God and abandon all his devotion to Him. Job once again faced disaster through the illness he suffered.
The common view that developed at that time, but may still be felt today, is that following God means guaranteed life. Good work/abundant harvest, having children, and being free from disease. If these things are not fulfilled, why should humans be His people? That was the response of Job's wife to the suffering experienced by the family. She said, "Do you still persevere in your piety? Curse God and die!" We must remember that Job's wife was also a victim of tragedy. Her ten children were gone, the shadow of the future disappeared in an instant. The future was empty like death. Her husband's condition was shameful and his suffering was heartbreaking. Her cry was a cry of despair that invited Job to sever his relationship with God who brought bad things into their lives.
However, unlike Job's wife who broke off her relationship with God because of the tragedy she experienced, Job chose to remain in a relationship with God. This can be seen in Job's response to his wife, "You speak like a foolish woman! Shall we accept good from God, and not accept evil?" Through these words, Job emphasized his attitude of submitting to His will, maintaining a relationship with God, while wanting to know God's intentions through the suffering that befell Him. The infectious disease he suffered did not change Job's stance at all. He did not want to blaspheme God because of the tragedy that befell him. Hopefully we can remember Job's example when tragedy comes into our lives. In sickness or sorrow we are invited to continue building a relationship with Him. This process is indeed not easy. There are always questions about the reason for all of this or why God allows such difficult things to happen in our lives. However, in all the questions that may arise in a tragedy, we should always realize that God has His own intentions that go beyond the limitations of our minds. So let's remain faithful Christians and have faith in Him in everything we may be experiencing. May God strengthen and guide us.