"Good News for the Young Generation" Program Supports Faith Education Through TB2 Bible Distribution

News | 19 Desember 2024

"Good News for the Young Generation" Program Supports Faith Education Through TB2 Bible Distribution

The young generation is the hope and future of the nation. In the midst of the rapid flow of change, a foundation of noble values ​​and strong faith is needed so that they can face future challenges wisely. One of the invaluable moral and spiritual sources for the young Christian generation is the Bible.


As a form of concern for the character and faith education of the young generation, the Indonesian Bible Society (LAI) is implementing the "Good News for the Young Generation" program. This program aims to distribute the Second Edition of the New Translation of the Bible (TB2) for free to Christian schools in need, both public and private.


"We often receive requests for Bible assistance from schools in remote areas that have limited economic resources or access to obtain Bibles," said Evi Sidabutar, Head of Research at LAI. According to her, the distribution of the TB2 Bible is important because this version uses language that is easier for the young generation to understand, so that they can get to know God's word more relevantly.


This program has succeeded in gaining support from the Bank Indonesia (BI) Social Program as part of the Dedication to the Country. In 2024, Bank kIndonesia is committed to donating 4,500 TB2 Bibles to be distributed to students in Jabodetabek. Direct distribution has been carried out from 9 to 16 December 2024 to public and private schools from elementary, junior high, to high school levels.


"Through the TB2 Bible, children can better understand Christian teachings with language that is appropriate to today's times. We hope that this program can strengthen the faith of the younger generation and form good character," added Evi Sidabutar.


This program also targets several priority areas in Indonesia, including North Sumatra, East Nusa Tenggara, West Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, Papua, and East Java. With this effort, it is hoped that more Christian students will feel God's greeting through His word.


The great hope of this program is the realization of a young generation of Christians who are firmly rooted in the word of God, have noble character, and are able to be role models in society. Furthermore, this program is also expected to strengthen cooperation between schools, churches, foundations, and related parties in supporting Christian religious education in Indonesia.


"We are very grateful for this Bible assistance. This will be a spiritual provision for our children," said Yurdikam L. Zalukhu, one of the representatives of the beneficiary school at SDN 02 Marunda.


With the "Good News for the Young Generation" program, access to the Bible is now more open, helping students to grow in faith and make God's word a guide for their lives.

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The Indonesian Bible Society is responsible for translating the Bible and its parts from the original manuscripts into Indonesian and regional languages spread throughout Indonesia.

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