Inauguration Service of KKPD Mitra LAI Malang

News | 7 Desember 2024

Inauguration Service of KKPD Mitra LAI Malang

On Monday, November 18, 2024, a historic moment took place for the ministry of the Indonesian Bible Society (LAI) in Malang City and its surroundings. Taking place at the Widya Bhakti Malang Building, in a moment full of enthusiasm and joy, the inauguration of the LAI Mitra Malang Support Raising Working Group (KKPD) for the 2024-2029 term was held. This inauguration began a new chapter in the journey of KKPD Malang's ministry to support LAI's vision and mission, namely reaching all generations with the Word of God. The event started at 10:00 WIB and ended at 12:00 WIB. The inauguration was attended by various representatives of institutions, churches and schools including BPD East Java 1, Malang Diocese, and also STT Satyabhakti Malang and the Nusantara Bible College.


Inauguration Service of KKPD Mitra LAI Malang

The event was opened with remarks from Mgr. Prof. Dr. Henricus Pidyarto Gunawan, O.Carm. In his speech, he hoped that with the inauguration of the Malang KKPD which was filled with various elements of church denominations, they could help and complement each other in running the work group to achieve common targets and goals in the future. After giving his speech, Mgr. Prof. Dr. Henricus Pidyarto Gunawan, O.Carm asked permission to leave the inauguration venue due to other agendas. The event continued with a service led by Father Yusuf Dimas Caesario. The Word of God from Psalm 126:3 became the basis for the sermon taken from the LAI work theme in 2024.


Inauguration of the Malang Mitra KKPD

After the service, the inauguration procession was continued led by the LAI General Secretary, Mr. Sigit Triyono. In a solemn atmosphere, he emphasized the importance of the spirit of service from the newly inaugurated KKPD members. With prayers and reading of the decree, as well as the symbolic pinning of the ID Card of the management represented by Rev. Chrysta Andrea as advisor 3 and also a representative from BMGK Malang and Rev. Mario Tobing as Chairman 1 from JKI Yehova Rapha. With the pinning of the administrators' ID cards, the new Malang KKPD period has been officially inaugurated and is ready to carry out their noble duties.


Dances from female students of the Nusantara Bible College became a sign of joy in welcoming the new administrators of the KKPD Mitra LAI Malang. After the inauguration, the new Chairman of the Malang KKPD, Rev. Mario Tobing took advantage of this moment to deliver socialization related to the work program and targets to be achieved during the service period. In his presentation, he invited all members to synergize in serving and expanding the impact of LAI programs in Malang and to fill out the Faith Promise form which aims to help and support the Malang KKPD program. The process of filling out the Faith Promise was carried out accompanied by singing from Sister Glory Victoria which soothed the hearts of the invited guests.


KKPD Mitra Malang Briefing

After the service and inauguration, the KKPD Mitra Malang administrators as well as Mr. Sigit and other LAI groups headed to the KKPD briefing place. The location is at Master Baking Studio owned by Mr. Lukas Wahyu, one of the administrators of KKPD Malang. This place was also agreed by the administrators of KKPD Malang to be the basecamp and secretariat of KKPD LAI Mitra Malang.


In the briefing which was carried out starting at 12.30 WIB, Mr. Sigit conveyed many things related to KKPD work procedures, LAI programs, and challenges that will be faced in the future. He advised that KKPD Malang must move together, helping each other so that the goals to be achieved can be realized. In addition to delivering coaching materials, this briefing also provided a lot of space to get to know each other among the administrators of KKPD LAI Mitra Malang and also with the LAI team of the Surabaya Representative Office which oversees the East Java region including Malang and its surroundings.


At the end of the briefing, Mr. Sigit invited all KKPD administrators and LAI service partners to implement the DWD motto which means "Pray, Proclaim and Donate", so that every program prepared by KKPD Malang can be implemented and the Word of God can be spread throughout Malang and other areas.


The Inauguration Service and Briefing of KKPD Mitra Malang is expected to be a new light in a mutually empowering partnership between LAI and its partners, in a shared vision of spreading the Word of God to the far corners of the country. (Theowoda)

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