For a Moment I Looked

News | 31 Desember 2024

For a Moment I Looked

JOHN 8:12-20

Looking and Seeing God's Love

Let us pay close attention to the following song lyrics:

For a moment I looked

at the path I have taken.

I have received God's love,

making me stunned...

The song is a hymn found in the Complementary Kidung Jemaat book number 244. Composed in 1991 by a songwriter named Pontas Purba who also created many other church songs. Until now the song is still often sung because the lyrics are so beautiful and represent the dynamics of life that we experience. Especially related to the love of God's companionship which has actually guided us all this time in living day by day where every moment is a mystery. The path has been passed but on that path there is God's love that always guides.


In the continuation of the lyrics it is expressed that the path is not always smooth, sometimes winding and even without light. But only because of God's grace and guidance can the path be traversed and even bring light that makes us amazed at God's presence. The passage that is the basis for our reflection this time also reveals the presence of Jesus who is like light and dispels darkness. Even His light makes us live in that light and are able to live in it. Because sometimes the dark path actually makes us survive in the darkness and even live in it so that we become lost.


Jesus is the Light of the World

In our reading this time, we are shown Jesus' proclamation of His identity. He is the light that not only illuminates the nation of Israel, but the light that illuminates the world. His listeners did not immediately accept the truth. The Pharisees considered that what Jesus said was false testimony. So the Lord Jesus tried to give them a clearer basis. He is the light in His relationship with the Father. Jesus came from the Father and will return to Him. Those who see Christ have seen the Father because the Father is in Christ and vice versa.


The Pharisees' accusations were made because they did not really know Jesus. They only see Jesus based on His humanity and not His divinity. The Lord Jesus Christ is with God the Father, in Him is life and that life is the light of mankind. That light overshadows all who believe. Those who reject the light will remain in darkness because that darkness will hold them back and lead them to destruction.


That darkness is a representation of sin that restrains and leads us to destruction. But strangely many people are comfortable being in the darkness. They refuse to turn to the light and turn there. Hiding in the darkness feels more comfortable, without realizing that the darkness leads to destruction. Isn't that the nature of sin? It deceives our hearts, makes us feel comfortable, so that we unconsciously lead ourselves to destruction.


Living in His Light

The year 2024 will end, how is the dynamic of life that we have lived for the past year? Have we become His obedient and faithful disciples? Maybe at some point in our lives we actually turn away from God and instead dwell in sin. May we have returned to His light that illuminates our path to eternal salvation.

Often we live our lives without reflecting on it seriously. Life becomes meaningless and passes us by. Yet today we are reminded that God has illuminated our lives and it is only right that we always live in the light. If Christ is the light, then our obligation is to follow Him, surrender ourselves to His guidance, and ask for His guidance in living our daily lives. This effort requires a real commitment and determination. As Christ who is always the light in our lives forever, so should we also be willing to struggle to live in His light.

Let's end this year with gratitude while asking for God's wisdom so that we can always live in His light. Do not hesitate to return to God if in the future we get a little lost while walking the steps of life. May the Light always illuminate the recesses of our hearts so that this life can be lived according to and in accordance with His will.


To Ponder:

Have we lived in the light of God by living our lives according to and in accordance with His will?

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