Celebrating the Launch of the Bible in Bissa and Lyélé in Burkina Faso

News | 14 Maret 2025

Celebrating the Launch of the Bible in Bissa and Lyélé in Burkina Faso

The Word of God is taking root in the people through the ministry of the Burkina Faso Bible Society (BSSF), which presents the first Bible in Bissa and Lyélé languages ​​in Burkina Faso.

On November 23, 2024, the Christian community of Zabré rejoiced at the publication of the Bible in Bissa. The translation was carried out by a team coordinated by the Burkina Faso Bible Society. A thanksgiving service for the inaugural publication was held and attended by religious leaders, political figures, and local people.

Théophile Gouba, representing the financial partners, enthusiastically said, “The Bible is the foundation of everything we need in this world.” Gouba further emphasized that this translation allows Bissa speakers to engage with God’s Word in their mother tongue, a language close to their hearts, which promotes spiritual growth and unity.

One of the translators, Rev. Gédeon Zanré, emphasized the transformative power of the Bible in Bissa, stating that the presence of the Bible in a language that is understandable and comprehensible will enable the Catholic and Evangelical communities to deepen their faith. The event concluded with a joyful procession through Zabré, where singing, dancing and cheering accompanied the symbolic entry of the Bible into the community.

One of the servants of God in Bissa, Gustave Kéré, expressed his joy at finally being able to read the Bible in his own language. “From now on, I will be able to teach and convey the Word of God through faithful sermons in a language that is close to my heart and that I understand. This translation also further strengthens my closeness to God, allowing me to understand His Word more deeply in my own language.”

There are about 800,000 Bissa speakers, with at least 500,000 of them living in the south-central part of Burkina Faso. There are also 165,900 Bissa speakers in Ghana, and about 3,000 in Togo and Côte d’Ivoire. Although the New Testament has been published in Bissa since 2000, it was not until a quarter of a century later that Bissa speakers had a complete Bible in their language.

The Lyélé Bible: A Testimony of Perseverance

Just a week earlier, on November 16, 2024, the Bible in Lyélé was published in Réo. This milestone marked the culmination of 14 years of hard work by the Burkina Faso Bible Society.

There are over 210,000 Lyélé speakers in Burkina Faso. The Lyélé New Testament has been published since 2001 and is still widely used today, as over 40% of the Lyélé population is Christian.

In his remarks, Abbé Charles Bassolé, a translator of the Lyélé Bible, delivered a profound message: “Now God wants to speak to us, the people of Lyélé, in our language. He has chosen to dwell among us and share His Word.” This call echoed the joy and gratitude felt by the thousands who attended the Bible launch ceremony, including national leaders and international partners.

The Lyélé Bible not only strengthens the faith of the people of Lyélé, but also equips them to share the gospel in Burkina Faso and beyond. Reverend Patrice Bamouni, Chair of the Lyélé Project Management Committee, highlighted the role of Bible translation in evangelism and its potential to rekindle the faith of believers.

A Broader Mission

The inauguration ceremony of the Bissa and Lyélé Bibles is part of the Burkina Faso Bible Society’s ongoing mission to make the Bible accessible and accessible to all. These projects were followed by translations into Mooré, Jula, and other local languages, with new translation efforts underway, including the Birifor Bible and the Esprit et Vie Mooré Study Bible.

Rev. Dramane Yankiné, Secretary General of the Bible Society of Burkina Faso, emphasized the twofold purpose of the translation. First, to spread God’s Word widely and to create opportunities for people to engage more deeply and meaningfully with Him.

Second, to serve as a reminder of the power of Scripture to transform lives. People are encouraged to embrace the translation, not just as a book, but as a guide for everyday life and a means of deeper fellowship with God.

Faith and Life in Burkina Faso

In 2022, the population of Burkina Faso is estimated to be over 22 million. Islam is the dominant religion in the country, with about 63% of the population identifying as Muslim. About 20.3% are Christian.

About 55% of Burkina Faso's population is under 20 years old, making it a young demographic. In 2022, the literacy rate (basic reading and writing skills) in the country is expected to be around 34%, an increase of almost 5% from 2019.

translated from: ubscommunity.org

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