Preparing to Welcome Him

News | 8 Desember 2024

Preparing to Welcome Him

LUKE 3:1-6


Prepare the Way for Him

In 2023, archaeologists from the University of Zadar, Croatia discovered the oldest road in the world built around 7,000 years ago. The road was found in the Mediterranean Sea, becoming a connecting route when the area was not yet flooded. Today we might think, what is so special about a road. But in the past, "roads" that connected cities were an important means of developing civilization. The great empires of the ancient world built many roads to establish their power. Traders used the road to explore the possibilities of coal in the unknown land.


The significance of a road that was realized by ancient people, is used in the Gospel of Luke as a metaphor for preparing oneself and one's heart to welcome the coming of the Lord. God has taken the initiative to embrace humanity, to save us, through the presence of the Son of God. His presence should be a good opportunity for every human being to realize their sins again and express repentance, so that God's salvation through Christ will be meaningful. Imagine if Christ came, proclaiming the Kingdom of God, salvation, and repentance, but those who heard Him did not realize that they were living in sin. For those who think so, of course, salvation seems to have no value.


This is the important task of John the Baptist. A prophet and teacher but also one who prepares the way for the coming of the Lord. For the Gospel of Luke, John's role is very important as recorded in Luke 1:16-17. Through him many Israelites will turn to the Lord. His call strengthens every person who fears God, but terrifies those who still insist on living in sin. With loud and firm language without any intention of softening his words at all, John the Baptist says: "repent!"

Straighten the Roads and the Hills Will Be Leveled

The beginning of the Gospel of Luke that we are reading today shows John's call by quoting the prophecy of the Prophet Isaiah, "Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight highways for him... Every valley will be filled, every mountain and hill will be made low, the crooked places will be made straight, and the rough places will be made straight." This picture of welcoming the coming of the Lord takes the custom at that time when welcoming a King who had just returned from war. In his glory, the king was welcomed in such a way that even roads were made to make his journey easier. When this call was echoed again by John, it was actually intended for the people to prepare for the coming of the Lord.


This is John's prophetic voice that wants to remind people throughout the ages. Valleys, mountains, hills, and winding roads are representations of the "uneven" human heart, so that it is not yet ready to receive the presence of God. Through it we are reminded that the valleys must be filled immediately, the mountains and hills must be made flat, and the winding roads must be made straight. In other words, repent and confess all the wrongs and sins that have been committed.

Are We Prepared?

Entering December, all our imaginations must have drifted to the excitement of Christmas that will soon arrive. However, as believers, it would be wiser if we also did not forget to prepare ourselves. Preparation is the core of experiencing the Advent season. This time we are invited to examine our own hearts. Have we regretted all our sins and repented, while examining ourselves whether the "path" has been straightened and the "hill has been leveled".


This effort is not easy. In our flesh, it feels very easy to fall and submit to temptation. However, the most important thing is that we are committed to being able to start this change. Christ who is present and redeems our sins is an extraordinary gift. It is only right that we respond to this gift appropriately in a life that is increasingly directed towards Him.

To Ponder

What obstacles do we usually encounter when we want to realize repentance in our respective lives?

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