On February 20, 2025, at around 08.00, a baptism ceremony was held for a couple who were quite elderly in Waimarini Village – Kodi. Mr. Ruben Loghe Ngamba & his wife were accepted into the Panenggo Ede congregation. The couple who were around 60 years old were picked up at their home by Rev. Kahaipu Nggallu Mara, S.Th (usually called Rev. Ara) together with the congregation and were escorted to the church with singing. In front of the church, the group was received by the PB Kodi Language Translation Team together with the TO/LAI representative, Mr. Hortensius. After draping the Kodi shawl over their shoulders, Mr. Hortensius with one or two Bible insights invited all the congregation to enter the house of God, where Christ the Light awaits all people who seek Him. Christ is the Light who gives true life, who enlightens the mind and cleanses the heart, and guides people on the right path of life towards eternal union with the Creator.
Mr. Rev. Ara, who has been persistent in establishing Christian faith in his congregation, which is very strongly rooted in tribal religion (Marapu), emphasized that the conversion witnessed today is the fruit of a long preaching and testimony of life. Mr. Ruben is one of those who adheres most strongly to the Marapu faith and religion. The Pastor also emphasized that it was no coincidence that Mr. Ruben and his wife decided to be baptized right when the team was in the process of examining the Kodi Language PB manuscript. Mr. Ruben had heard for himself how the Lord Jesus Christ greeted him in the language of his ancestors. So far he had worshipped an “unknown” God. Now he had met the true God. This conversion is the fruit and impact of the preaching of God's word in a language that humans understand. Therefore, Mr. Rev. Ara asked the Translation team to be the “host” who received the couple who wanted to be baptized in front of the house of God, and invited them in to be baptized and become members of the congregation of God in Panenggo Ede. It was truly a unique and joyful experience, seeing the great impact of God's Word that changes people.