Beyond the Ordinary

Daily Devotional | 16 Desember 2024

Beyond the Ordinary

The belief that we hold firmly as Christians is salvation by the grace of God in Christ Jesus. However, we forget to realize that behind this extraordinary grace there are also new demands that must be lived as a logical consequence of choosing Christ as Savior. One of them is that the good deeds and wisdom of life that we manifest in our daily lives must go beyond what is considered "good enough" by society. A Christian must go beyond the standards of good and just that exist in society. By going beyond this through actions based on the principle of love for God and others.


In this passage, Jesus gives moral and ethical teachings to his disciples. His teaching pattern is by citing the practice of the Torah that was in effect at that time, and then he creates a new understanding that goes beyond the law. Jesus lays down the principle of retribution quoted from the Torah, such as "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" (Deuteronomy 19:21), with a prohibition against fighting those who do evil. What is taught in the Torah actually adheres to the principle of proportionate punishment, which is quite advanced in its time which is dominated by endless revenge. However, Jesus invited the disciples to go beyond this. Repaying in kind is good enough, but it would be better if the evil deeds we received were actually repaid with good.


The prohibition on returning evil for evil was explained by Jesus through four positive invitations, which illustrate magnanimity in the face of insults or bad treatment. First, turn the left cheek. Jesus said, “Turn to him also your left cheek.” In those days, a blow to the face was a serious insult. However, Jesus taught the disciples not to fight, but to be ready to accept greater humiliation. This language was not meant literally, as was seen when Jesus himself was slapped in the face of the high priest. He did not turn the other cheek, but endured the greater insult (John 18:22-23). Second, Jesus also taught, “Hand over your cloak also.” At that time, clothing consisted of long clothes that covered the body down to the feet, covered with a coat as outer clothing. This order refers to cases of debt repayment where clothes or robes can be pawned. However, according to the law (Exodus 22:26-27; Deuteronomy 24:13), the coat must be returned before nightfall because it is a blanket for the poor. Jesus invited his disciples not only to give what was required by law, but also to go beyond that obligation. Third, “go with him two miles”. A Roman official or soldier had the right to ask a colonized nation to provide services, such as carrying his luggage. Jesus’ disciples were taught to serve voluntarily, even more than what was asked. Fourth, “give to the one who asks”. Jesus taught generosity to the poor and needy, reflecting a spirit of love that goes beyond reciprocation. The culmination of this teaching is the command to love one’s enemies. This radical love is not just an ethical command, but a way to fulfill the law.


Bible friends, in this day and age we often see that the ethical values ​​and moral standards of society have undergone many changes. Through our reflection on God’s word today, it actually teaches about the determination to obey Him which is manifested in the willingness to live in the values ​​that God has set. These are the ethical guidelines that we must adhere to when speaking, acting or carrying out our respective professions. If the world teaches hatred then we manifest unlimited love for others. If it is so difficult for one another to forgive, then we show magnanimity in forgiving others. Strive to be disciples of Christ to go beyond the world's moral and ethical standards by focusing on His love and example.

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