Throughout our journey in life, we inevitably face conflicts of values and principles. On one hand, there is an awareness of living in truth and obedience to His Word, but on the other hand, the temptation to conform to worldly values comes powerfully. This stirs unease in our hearts, often beginning with the question, “How can we remain faithful in the face of such strong challenges and temptations?”
Jesus, who had just shown His compassion for sinners through baptism, now identifies Himself with them through a severe trial. This event is a vital part of His ministry, demonstrating the stark contrast between the glory of baptism and the trials of temptation from the devil. From the fresh waters of the Jordan River, He was led into the barren wilderness. From the large crowds, He moved to solitude and silence. From the Holy Spirit descending like a dove, the same Spirit now led Him into the wilderness. From the Father’s voice declaring Him “My beloved Son,” He now faced the whisper of the devil’s temptations. The purpose of Jesus’ temptation was not to strengthen Him but to reveal that He was fully human and sinless (Hebrews 2:18; 4:15).
In a physically weakened state after fasting for 40 days, the devil came to tempt Him. The number 40 here reminds us of periods of testing in the Bible, such as the 40 days of flooding in Noah’s time and the 40 years of Israel wandering in the wilderness. While these past stories often highlighted Israel's failures, in this event, Jesus triumphed over temptation, remaining the obedient Son of the Father. The devil tempted Jesus to use His power for personal needs. Yet, Jesus resisted the temptation, quoting Deuteronomy 8:3, affirming that human life depends more on God’s Word than on physical food. The devil also quoted Scripture, twisting its context to deceive. However, with a profound understanding of God’s truth, Jesus refused to force God to prove His power. Finally, Jesus rebuked the devil for asking Him to worship him in exchange for the world. After the temptation ended, the devil left, and angels came to minister to Him. This demonstrates that victory over temptation is achieved through obedience to God’s Word.
Dear friends, today’s Gospel story should encourage us in overcoming the various temptations we face. Jesus placed Himself in the position of humanity with all its frailty but remained steadfast in obedience to the Father, holding firmly to His Word, and triumphing over the trials He encountered. The devil’s temptations to Jesus are still evident in our lives today. First, we often fall into a misunderstanding of our relationship with God, treating Him merely as a fulfiller of desires rather than as the sole Lord to whom we must submit entirely. Second, we are often blinded by the pursuit of power, willing to compromise all principles and truths we hold dear to achieve it. Our devotion often shifts from God to worldly possessions. This leads us to forget a critical principle: that everything we have is ultimately a means to glorify Him. May we be empowered to face life’s temptations by fully relying on His wisdom.