Jesus the Intercessor

Daily Devotional | 22 November 2024

Jesus the Intercessor

An intermediary is a liaison or intermediary between two parties. It is a bridge between the two existing parties. In the world of diplomacy, this situation usually occurs in certain negotiations, especially in resolving certain conflicts. This image is then applied to Jesus according to the letter to the Hebrews. He becomes the mediator who opens the way to human justification.


In this text, the author of Hebrews invites us to recognize Christ's work as Mediator, namely bringing about the new covenant. In the first covenant, the bond between God and the nation of Israel was bound based on the obedience of the people, especially in serving God and all His laws. But unfortunately humans failed to remain faithful to the agreement, so God took the initiative to enforce a new agreement. If previously the Torah taught that forgiveness of sins was given through sacrifice, namely the shedding of blood, now this is perfected by the shedding of blood based on the work of the cross of Christ which fulfills this guidance. Hebrews 9:22 confirms that, “according to the law, everything is cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.”


Therefore, this new covenant is much more valuable and should be embedded in the hearts of everyone who believes in Him. We no longer base penance on the blood of the sacrifice, but on the once-for-all sacrifice that was consciously chosen and carried out by the Lord Jesus Christ. By Christ's sacrifice, human conscience was cleansed so that we could worship the living God. This sacrifice of God also unites all believers in a procession of worship and devotion to God. In this way, God's vision for this world becomes possible with all believers becoming implementers of His will.


Bible friends, let us faithfully live our lives based on His grace. Carry out all forms of devotion and worship to God not because we want salvation but because we are grateful for everything He has given us. Christ's sacrifice was so expensive to justify us from sin. Therefore, do not waste His sacrifice by living as we please. May God guide us to always be able to realize His will.

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