Nowadays our challenges in realizing His word are very heavy. In fact, it is not uncommon for our fellow believers to choose to leave Christ. This is where the writer of Hebrews felt the need to strengthen the congregation who were going through the process of life so that they would not be tempted to leave Christ.
In the previous reading, the writer of Hebrews showed how honorable and powerful the Lord Jesus Christ is. Now the writer again compares Jesus with important figures in the Old Testament by showing seven quotes from the Old Testament. The number seven is of particular interest to us, considering the symbolic meaning behind it which can be understood as the completeness of evidence regarding the superiority of Jesus Christ as the Son of God above the angels. If we look back at the Old Testament, in fact the angels were also called 'sons of God' (Job 1: 6; 2: 1; Psalm 29: 1). However, this title was never applied to an angel individually. Only to Jesus was this title applied to an individual specifically.
These claims of Christ's greatness are not for self-exaltation or arrogance alone. But rather an effort to build the confidence of the people who are the target of the letter to the Hebrews. They are new Christians with a Jewish background, so efforts to strengthen their faith must be built using approaches or language that are familiar to them. The hope is that the people will be strengthened and not tempted to return to their old beliefs.
Bible friends, through this reading we should be strengthened in following Him. Not being shaken to leave Him, just because of the various dynamics of life that are being faced. Believing in Jesus truly means the same as following His example and realizing His Word in everyday life.