Living the Grace of Salvation

Daily Devotional | 3 November 2024

Living the Grace of Salvation

In the midst of the chaos of the world, we often feel like we are being pushed and chased by various interests, all of which demand immediate action. As a result, life runs like a machine without any time to think and reflect on our existence. In fact, it is through reflection that we can find the wisdom of life and a vision of our existence.


Unfortunately, the above symptoms also affect the way we reflect on God. Our worship becomes only a formality and prayers feel like an obligation. So what is said in our passage today may be able to illuminate the phenomenon that is being highlighted. The writer of Hebrews reminds us of the importance of paying attention to the message of salvation that God has given through Jesus Christ, and not ignoring that salvation. This great salvation is not something that can be taken lightly. The writer of Hebrews also reminds us that the testimony of the apostles who heard and experienced Jesus' teachings themselves is something that can be trusted. They were eyewitnesses to the work and power of Christ, and what they conveyed is the truth that we must hold fast to.


Bible friends, we are invited to take seriously the proclamation of God's salvation and at the same time to manifest a life that is in accordance with His Word. Living out God's salvation means being willing to be grateful for this life by living our existence not for ourselves but for the glory of God's name. So in the midst of all the busyness and struggles of life that occur, always prioritize God and always have the desire to build a relationship with Him.

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