The Humble Redeemer

Daily Devotional | 4 November 2024

The Humble Redeemer

Nowadays we see many people competing to achieve glory and glory. This existence is achieved through all means, even unethical ones, as long as power is in their grasp. As a result, we see symptoms of selfishness that are strengthening in the midst of our society. This is different from what Jesus did. He was glorified by God precisely through suffering, even being humiliated in such a way.


In portraying this reality, the author of Hebrews tries to juxtapose Jesus' position with the angels. In Jewish belief, angels are heavenly beings sent by God to deliver messages to humans. As the Son of God, Jesus is of course higher and nobler than the angels. However, in order to save humanity, Jesus became a weak human like us and is described as lower than the angels. However, after His suffering and resurrection, He will be glorified and higher than them. God has raised Him and put Him in "glory and honor", namely sitting at His right hand (1:3; 10:12; 12:2). What God did in Jesus was intended so that by God's grace, He would experience death for all people (verse 9). In that suffering and death, Jesus became the redeemer for all people for their sins.


Bible friends, Jesus chose to suffer and be humbled for the sake of salvation to fulfill His mission, it is ironic if we are blinded by the pursuit of worldly position and power. So should we stay away from high positions or power? Of course not. However, all of that is not our main goal, but only a means to glorify His name. Like Jesus who abandoned all His 'privileges' and embraced suffering, so too we are invited to give ourselves to others and to become humble individuals. That is what makes the difference for those who believe in Him and have received God's salvation.

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