Christ's Care

Daily Devotional | 5 November 2024

Christ's Care

When we suffer or are in a difficult struggle, it is truly a joy to have someone who understands and sympathizes with what we are experiencing. That is what really happened when Jesus faithfully carried out the Father's mission to suffer and die on the cross.


In this text we see the affirmation that Jesus was glorified through suffering. Today we see that verses 10-18 are a description of the Son of Man who truly became a man like us and experienced the consequences of our sinfulness. The suffering implies the idea that the path taken by the Son is a reference to events that will be experienced by believers. In other words, there is a pastoral intention from the author to strengthen his congregation who are most likely facing persecution and severe suffering.


Another interesting description of the teaching of the writer of Hebrews about Jesus is the placement of Jesus as the High Priest. In the Jewish religious system, a priest was the intermediary between the people and God. He was the one who had the authority to offer sacrifices with all their uses. A priest is also sanctified through the sacrifice because he also experiences sinfulness like the people he represents. With a similar depiction, Jesus is present as a human being so that he can feel the human condition, even though he does not share in human sinfulness. When he feels and becomes the same as a human being, the concern and love that Jesus shows becomes authentic. He truly understands humans and all their struggles.


Bible friends, seeing Jesus' love and compassion should move and challenge our hearts. So far, we often give up easily on all the suffering that is present. Criticizing life and even God who we think has acted arbitrarily. Understanding Jesus who has compassion can challenge this understanding, and jolt our hearts back which may be on the edge of the abyss of despair. God through Jesus confirms His side with us, therefore remain faithful to Him.

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