Welcomed into His Home

Daily Devotional | 6 November 2024

Welcomed into His Home

Proper recognition of Jesus begins with our understanding of the statements about Christ as written in the Bible. Only after we know what the Bible says about Jesus can this reflection be developed according to our personal experience of faith with Him. One of the testimonies about Christ we will hear in today's reading.


The writer of the letter to the Hebrews reminds the people to reflect on Jesus as our High Priest and Apostle. This warning is also a call for us to see who Jesus is and understand who we are in Him. The term Jesus as an apostle is rarely encountered, so in this context we can understand His role as God's most important messenger. God the Father sends His message of love through Jesus, the Messenger, who brings the message of salvation to us. In addition, Jesus is also called the greatest High Priest, who represents us before the Father and represents the Father to us.


The writer also draws attention to Jesus' loyalty to the Father who sent Him, and to humanity. This loyalty is actually a characteristic also possessed by several of His prophets or messengers, and here the writer specifically gives the example of Moses. As we know, Moses was the greatest prophet in the Old Testament, God's mediator in making a covenant with the Israelites and has revealed His laws. The comparison between Jesus and Moses can be seen in relation to their loyalty and credibility as prophets of God. Thus, the author of the letter to the Hebrews consistently shows the superiority of Jesus as the 'Messenger of God'. Compared to the other three messengers of God, namely the prophets of the Old Testament (1:1), the angels (1:4), and Moses, the special prophet (3:2), it turns out that Jesus is far superior to them.


In addition, the author also compares the loyalty of Moses and Jesus in relation to their respective roles in the house of God. Moses was faithful in all the house of God as a servant. Interestingly, the word servant in the Greek text uses the word therapon, which can be interpreted as a servant with the status of a free person, in contrast to doulos which means slave. The word therapon is often used in the Septuagint (the Old Testament in Greek) to refer to angels and prophets. This term explains the function of Moses as a messenger of God, which is then compared to the function of Jesus. Moses was a servant in the house of God, who testified about the word that Jesus would proclaim (2:3). Meanwhile, Jesus was faithful as the Son who was responsible for His house. Through Jesus we are connected to God, so that a loving relationship with Him is created. Now the people have a new identity as "holy brothers". Isn't that identity so beautiful, how Jesus is not ashamed to call us His brothers (Hebrews 2:11). Just as Moses was part of the "house" of God, we are also called to be part of that house, by holding fast to our trust and hope until the end. Of course, this happiness has its own challenges, considering that maintaining a commitment or promise of loyalty is not easy, even more difficult than when receiving the gift.


Bible friends, today we are invited to continue to persevere in faith, hold fast to our trust in Jesus, and celebrate the hope that He has given us. Since receiving God's salvation through Christ, we have been welcomed as one of God's family. God is like the Host who welcomes us into His dwelling. Therefore, let's build an intimate relationship with Him. While living out God's calling to be His faithful children.

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