Used by God to Reveal His Plan

Daily Devotional | 14 Januari 2025

Used by God to Reveal His Plan

In our daily lives, God is often present and greets us through various unexpected events and figures. Perhaps on one occasion a friend or relative who we have not spoken to for a long time suddenly visits our house and offers help at the right time. It could be that our hearts are strengthened again through a conversation with a stranger we meet on public transportation. From this series of events, it should be more than enough to remind us of the breadth of His work.


The return of the Israelites from the land of Babylon to their ancestral land also occurred with the involvement of various unexpected parties. Starting with King Cyrus of Persia who conquered Babylon and allowed the return of the Jews. His successor King Darius who again allowed the building of the house of God, to King Artaxerxes in our current text who provided assistance for the resumption of worship activities in the house of God that had been built. He sent Ezra with other parties such as the priests and Levites to return to Jerusalem and lead the spiritual restoration there. Artaxerxes may not have believed in the God that Ezra believed in, but God softened his heart and used the king in His plan.


Apparently that was not all that King Artaxerxes did. He told Ezra to bring back the worship instruments that had been taken to Babylon as spoils of war. The king also gave gold and silver that would definitely be needed as funds for the restoration of worship in the House of God and the restoration of Jerusalem as a whole. How generous that decision was, especially considering that there was a time when the Persian Empire government actually stopped the construction of the House of God because of the instigation of people who did not like the Jews who returned to Jerusalem. Indeed, if God wills to realize His plan, then nothing can hinder His plan.


Through the story of the struggles above, we should learn to continue to place our hope in Him. The stories of the faithful people recorded in the Bible should be more than enough to echo God's goodness in the depths of our hearts. God brings His help without us ever expecting it, even through unexpected figures. It is time to return to our duty as believers, namely to firmly maintain faith and hope in Him. God can use anyone to bring goodness to others, including ourselves - we can also be used as a sign of God's love and goodness.

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