Being free from something that burdens us is an extraordinary joy. This deliverance may be an unforgettable moment in life. As believers, we understand that everything happens within the framework of God's love and presence. So the deliverance and liberation that occurs in our lives is also His work. One thing we can do is give thanks for all of God's work that has redeemed and saved us.
This reading tells about Jesus who healed two people who were possessed by demons. The demons in them not only controlled their bodies, but also changed their lives into something very destructive. Their lives were controlled by evil powers. That power made them afraid to be approached and touched by God. Satan led them into darkness, fear, and a life that had no direction and purpose. God, who wanted to help the two people, was tried to be driven away by the demons in them.
However, even though the demons tried to block Jesus, they could not defeat His power. When the demons begged to enter the herd of pigs, Jesus gave permission. This is not only to show that Jesus has full power over Satan, but also to reveal the evil purpose of the demons: to destroy and corrupt. The pigs are depicted running straight into the abyss and drowning to illustrate how destructive Satan's power is.
It is important to note the response of the people in the Gerasene region. After hearing what happened, they came to see Jesus. However, instead of being grateful for the deliverance that occurred, they asked Jesus to leave. They were more concerned about the loss of their pigs than about the two people who were freed from their suffering. Apparently, the Gerasene people had the wrong focus. Greater power was happening in their area, but all they paid attention to was a small event that was actually insignificant.
So what we can understand from this story is the power of Christ that can change our lives. Maybe all this time we have been controlled by the flesh and lust that obscures God's love and help in our lives. That is the darkness that has been covering many human hearts. Open yourself to God's love and help by focusing your life only on God. Let Him take over your whole life. There is no power greater than the power of God, because this universe is His creation. Let us humble ourselves before Him so that we can truly experience the real power of liberation.