Awakened by His Rebuke

Daily Devotional | 30 Desember 2024

Awakened by His Rebuke

At the conceptual or thought level, it is easy to believe that in every dynamic of this life there is always God who enables us to face it. However, when the storm of life really hits, it feels like that belief has disappeared who knows where. We doubt His presence. Will God answer our prayers for help? Perhaps this feeling was also felt by the disciples when the boat they were on was hit by a terrible storm.


Jesus moved to another area to teach the people. He boarded a boat to cross the Sea of ​​Galilee. The boat used by Jesus and His disciples was most likely a small boat commonly used by people around the Sea of ​​Galilee, where they lived. The lake is famous for its sudden storms because the weather can change drastically, especially when the wind from the mountains meets the humid air from the lake. Although many of His disciples were experienced fishermen, they still felt anxious and afraid of the storm. This situation shows how terrible the storm was.


In their anxiety and confusion, they tried to wake Jesus up. Jesus was not angry with the disciples for waking Him up, but He rebuked their fear and unbelief. Why were they afraid? Hadn’t they seen many miracles that Jesus performed before? Hadn’t they seen how Jesus healed the sick, cast out demons, and even fed the crowd? They should have had greater faith, believing that Jesus, who had shown His power, could certainly save them from the threat of the storm. Jesus said to them, “Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?” This rebuke rebukes hearts that tremble because they are struck by fear. He does not let fear control our hearts because faith in Him eliminates all fear.


After giving His disciples the teaching, He then rebuked the raging storm. The Gospel tells of an instant change. After Christ’s rebuke was over, the frightening storm ended. What God did was also an effort to affirm His divinity. Even the confession came from the mouths of the disciples.


Bible friends, now we are about to learn to trust in God with all our hearts. It is indeed difficult to hold on to this belief consistently, especially when life is being hit by such a great storm. We often feel that God is silent over everything that happens in life. What we understand as a silent God, could be a manifestation of our limitations in understanding His work and omnipotence. Trust in God always. That is what He asks of us. He is always present and working in our lives. Even though we may feel that He is silent, remain confident in His help because God never leaves us. In this story, isn't God still in the same boat as the disciples? Be confident that He will work at the right time.

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