The formation of a person's identity occurs in various ways, one of which is when he finds his role and calling in the world. In the eyes of Christian faith, this calling is something that God determines for us.
Our reading this time continues the list of names of people who returned from exile. It's just that in this section the names are associated with the roles they play. They are people who are called to be part of the restoration of Jerusalem and the sustainability of God's people. Thus we can conclude that not a single name is recorded carelessly. Every individual has a place in the history of God's salvation.
Sharing various building materials that make up a sturdy house, thus these people with their respective roles create harmony that determines the process of restoring Jerusalem and the Temple of God. Good cooperation between them is a reflection of the good relationship between God's people. Imagine if there was no good cooperation, the construction process would certainly be hampered and even threatened to fail.
Bible friends, every role that we play in the institution where we are part of must have its own value. No role is too small to remember. All are important parts for the realization of God's plan in the fellowship and institution where we are. Therefore, try to give the best based on our respective roles and callings.