What Do We Want to Leave Behind?

Daily Devotional | 6 Februari 2025

What Do We Want to Leave Behind?

An architect who builds a solid house not only thinks about the design, but also makes sure that the foundation is strong so that it will last. Likewise, in the spiritual life, a community of faith is not built by just one generation, but needs to be passed on to the next generation so that it continues to grow and not lose its direction.


Nehemiah 7:16-38 lists the names of those who returned from exile, showing that the building of the wall was not just about the physical structure, but also about rebuilding the identity of God’s people. The names mentioned represent the generation called to continue the legacy of faith. This list of names shows that each individual has a place in the history of God’s people. They were not simply ‘those who returned,’ but individuals who played a role in the restoration of Jerusalem. Those who returned from exile were not just spectators who enjoyed the fruits of Nehemiah’s labor, but individuals who were involved in the restoration of the city and the community of faith.


It is important to remember that those who returned from exile may have had to leave behind the stability that had been pioneered. Life in exile is different from imprisonment according to historical records. These exiles were allowed to work and work to support their families. So we can conclude that those who returned were a handful of Jews who still remembered God's promise regarding their return to the land of their ancestors. They chose to walk in faith, entering into mystery and various uncertainties, because they believed in God's presence.


Bible friends, let's remember the fellowship, faith community or church where we grew up. In it there must be stories and works of the predecessors who pioneered the establishment of our church. It is only right that we remember them with gratitude and appreciate all the services, sacrifices, and love poured out in faith so that the fellowship as it is today can be realized. At the same time, we are also invited to seriously reflect on what kind of legacy we will pass on to the next generation of our church fellowship.

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