The title above describes a belief that everyone can maximize their potential if they are in the right environment, situation, and responsibility. Those who have the talent to organize something will certainly be able to maximize their potential if given the responsibility to become leaders in certain fields. The sensitivity to see the potential of each person is an ability that needs to be trained by every leader. This is what Nehemiah tried to do in our reading today.
Nehemiah 7:1-15 describes the moment after the walls of Jerusalem were completed. However, Nehemiah realized that the work was not finished. He not only built the walls, but also appointed guards to ensure the security of the city and the continuity of worship to God. In other words, it was necessary to have the right arrangement of the human resources available at that time.
First, Nehemiah appointed gatekeepers, singers, and Levites (v. 1). This action shows that the wall is not the end goal, but rather a means to something greater, namely worship and a closer relationship with God. Next, Nehemiah entrusted leadership to Hanani and Hananiah, who were known as faithful people who feared God more than many (verse 2). It is clear that Nehemiah put faithfulness and fear of God as the main criteria. Nehemiah did not forget to give orders to guard the gates with high vigilance, opening them only when the sun was high and closing them early (verse 3). The success of completing the city wall did not make him careless and arrogant, on the contrary, his careful and vigilant attitude was proof of his seriousness towards the security and sustainability of the people's lives.
Building a city is not only about physical construction, but also about the people who live in it. That is why Nehemiah compiled a list of the descendants of the Israelites who returned from exile. Thus we can conclude that the restoration attempted by Nehemiah was not just about city buildings, but also about community and identity.
Bible friends, we also need to be careful in completing the tasks and responsibilities assigned to us. Let's learn from Nehemiah who completed his tasks by focusing on the strengths and resources he had. He did not always talk about weaknesses but tried to explore the potential that God had given them. The insight to see each person's potential is the key to maximizing the results and goals to be achieved. Therefore, all believers should learn to be wise when completing the tasks and responsibilities given to them.