Firmness of Faith Conquers Deception

Daily Devotional | 4 Februari 2025

Firmness of Faith Conquers Deception

In this life, it is not uncommon for us to face temptations that are disguised in packaging that looks good. Like a sailor sailing in the middle of the ocean, we are often faced with a gentle breeze that tempts us to change course, even though it could be taking us in the wrong direction. Likewise, in the journey of faith, threats do not always appear openly, but often appear in subtle, misleading enticements. The story of Nehemiah in the passage we just read teaches the importance of steadfastness in facing deception wrapped in a cloak of goodness.


Nehemiah had to face challenges and threats from enemies who wanted to thwart his work. This time the threat came from a man named Shemaiah, who presented himself as a messenger of God and invited Nehemiah to take refuge in the Temple for safety. However, Nehemiah wisely refused the invitation, because he realized that the invitation was a trap to make him fall into sin.


Shemaiah used fear as a weapon to lead Nehemiah to disobedience. This is a form of deception from the enemy, where the truth is twisted and used for personal or political gain. Nehemiah responded to the persuasion with firmness: "How can a man like me flee?" (Nehemiah 6:11). He understood very well that entering the Temple was not only an act of cowardice, but also a sin because only priests were allowed to enter. Nehemiah's determination is proof that obedience to God must be greater than fear of human threats.


Even though Shemaiah's actions had endangered his life, instead of seeking revenge, Nehemiah chose to surrender everything to God. Anger and revenge did not control him, instead he prayed asking God to remember the evil deeds of his enemies and let God's justice speak.


Bible friends, today's story teaches us that strong faith will not be easily shaken by misleading persuasion, even if it is delivered in a very subtle way. In this world full of compromise, we are called to have wisdom and courage like Nehemiah. Not giving in to fear, not being tempted by shortcuts, and continuing to surrender everything to God. Because in the end, it is not human deception that determines the final outcome, but rather God's hand working in the steadfastness of our faith.

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