Sometimes in this life we encounter challenges and struggles that are so heavy that they seem to press and squeeze so hard. We feel helpless in this pressure. So as believers we should be able to reflect again that whatever happens, the only one we can rely on is God alone.
The text that is the basis for our current reflection tries to express the above. The walls of Jericho seem to be a reminder of a great challenge that seemed impenetrable. At that time the Israelites were ordered by God to occupy the city of Jericho. The Israelite army doubted whether they could capture the city which was protected by a very strong fort. Perhaps in the view at that time the walls of Jericho were impossible to destroy. However, from the story of the collapse of the walls of Jericho, believers throughout the ages have been reminded that God is far greater than all the challenges faced by humans, in the context at that time the walls of Jericho could not block the power of God. Joshua and all the Israelite army followed what God commanded and in the end the wall collapsed.
The story of Jericho is a starting point for believers to reflect on the work and power of God that surpasses challenges and struggles. One of them is persecution and suffering that God's people might suffer for what they believe. Apparently this is what the congregation that received the letter to the Hebrews is facing. It can be seen in verses 36-40 that there is advice of strengthening that is shepherding to the people who at that time were experiencing many challenges in life. No matter how great the challenges experienced by the people, God is still present and always accompanies the people who are obedient and faithful to Him.
Bible friends, currently we hear a lot that due to the situation that has occurred lately, people choose to feel pessimistic about the future. However, at this time we are reminded that in faith in God there is always hope. What seems impossible to humans is possible for God. The future is indeed uncertain but God's work surpasses the various uncertainties that stand in the way. God is always present and accompanies us. With God the “walls of Jericho” that may appear in our lives can always be torn down.