The Way God Helped Me

Daily Devotional | 15 Januari 2025

The Way God Helped Me

Mestakung is an abbreviation for "the universe supports", a popular expression which is usually said to express admiration for unexpected events, situations which seem to be presented by the "universe" as support for the plans or desires that we want to make come true. If we examine this popular expression through the lens of our faith, then in truth behind the universe that is directed to support our plans or wills, there is actually the Creator of the Universe who has a grand design for all His people in order to bring goodness alone.


When the people of Judah had just returned from exile, everything seemed full of obstacles. One of the toughest was the opposition from the local residents who did not want the temple of God to be rebuilt and their homes to be properly restored. The people experienced depression and a broken spirit. Construction had stopped for some time. However, God did not let the construction stop. Through the words of His prophets, the people were strengthened to restart the construction of the house of the Lord. God did not remain silent. Various kinds of help were presented by Him even in various ways that were truly unexpected.


In our text this time, the help came through the extraordinary support given by King Artaxerxes. He did not just give permission to rebuild the house of God but also provided administrative support, tax relief for priests and Levites, and financial support. The king also gave Ezra a mandate to lead the process and appoint judges to resolve any cases that might arise. The goal was to uphold God's laws in the area.


Ezra expressed his joy over the good developments. He knew that first of all, gratitude must be directed to God, the Creator of the Universe. In the end, it was God who moved the king's heart.


Bible friends, isn't the story above also a reminder for us. If there are good developments in all our plans and desires in any matter, then only God deserves to be praised and glorified. His power surpasses all the limitations of our intellect. He can use anything to bring goodness to the people who are obedient and loyal to Him. In this way, train our sensitivity to see the variety of God's help so that our hearts are full of gratitude and praise to Him.

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