God's Love Never Ends

Daily Devotional | 12 Februari 2025

God's Love Never Ends

It has become commonplace that humans tend to forget the Creator when life is going well. This is very different when humans are experiencing difficulties. This tendency is not new, in fact we can clearly see the behavior of the Israelites with the characteristics above. As also conveyed in Nehemiah 9:14–26. This story describes how God gave His law, cared for His people, and brought them to the promised land. However, in the midst of all the goodness given, the Israelites turned away and worshiped idols. Today’s reading invites us to look deeper into God’s faithful love and how we should respond to Him.


The testimony given by the people clearly shows that God’s care is not only limited to spiritual needs, but also physical. He not only gave His laws and statutes, but also ensured that His people had food, drink, and protection. This shows that faith is not something separate from everyday life. God wants a balance between the spiritual and physical needs of His people.


Unfortunately, despite all of God’s goodness, the Israelites turned away from Him. They even made a molten calf and worshipped it. Amazingly, despite their unfaithfulness, God remained faithful. He did not abandon Israel, but continued to guide, teach, and provide for them. His faithfulness did not depend on human actions, but rather came from His gracious nature. God’s patience with His people is truly amazing. He did not immediately punish them when they sinned, but gave them the opportunity to repent.


Bible friends, let’s think back, how many times have we enjoyed God’s goodness but still questioned His presence when faced with difficulties? How often have we replaced Him with something else? His faithfulness should provide more than enough reason to continue to love and obey Him. He invites us to live in His statutes, and to rely on Him. May we be a people who remain faithful in all circumstances.

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