Sin makes us vulnerable to temptation. It is so easy for us to fall into sin and forget God’s faithfulness and His provisions that lead us to goodness. This is what is depicted in the dynamics of the relationship between God and the people of Israel.
Nehemiah reveals the pattern of this relationship in a recurring cycle, namely starting with God’s blessings to His people, the people enjoying the blessings then forgetting God, the people falling into sin and rebellion, God punishing the people through enemies, the people crying out to God in suffering, and God in His love saving them. This pattern reflects the relationship between humanity and God throughout history. Humans tend to approach God only when experiencing difficulties, but move away when life feels comfortable. This cycle reminds us that without true commitment, we will continue to be trapped in the same pattern.
In fact, the basis of the relationship between God and His people is a covenant that binds both. God will be God for Israel, while the people are invited to maintain the covenant based on obedience to Him. God does keep the covenant and remains faithful forever. Unfortunately, we are the ones who always break the covenant. But God never stops showing His mercy.
Bible friends, let us hold fast to our faith and trust in Him. Live based on the covenant that is the basis of our relationship with God. Repent from a lifestyle that only prioritizes lust. Ask God for wisdom so that we do not fall into temptation. Do not feel that we can overcome everything based on our own strength, like the Israelites who repeatedly hardened their hearts against God's rebukes and refused to repent.