Good Recording and Planning

Daily Devotional | 16 Januari 2025

Good Recording and Planning

A mature activity plan definitely involves various calculations that are carried out carefully. Starting from mapping existing resources and capital, to the workforce needed to project the success of an activity plan or even a particular project. This action is something natural, but as God's people we can include "added value" in all of these plans. This is the involvement of God the Sustainer of Life in all the plans that we make and do.


The Old Testament tradition, especially in the part about the return of the people of Judah, is accustomed to mixing what is a reflection of the author's faith, but at the same time an actual record of the events that have occurred. Ezra 8:1-13 documents at length the people who accompanied Ezra to Jerusalem. They were the second wave of the return to Jerusalem, after several years earlier the first wave was sent and carried out various "land preparation" tasks.


The recording was done by mentioning the names of the families along with the members they brought. The ancient Israelite kinship system was based on family ties from the same ancestors or can also be known as the clan system. Only men are recorded in this data because that is the custom in paternalistic societies. So we can assume that along with the men who were recorded as returning to Jerusalem with Ezra, there were also women and children because their goal was to build a new life in the land of their ancestors. This family-based data collection also aims to inform the Judeans who were already in Jerusalem, perhaps some of their relatives were included in this second group. Thus, this recording also aims to arouse family ties and a sense of shared destiny.


Recording the number and specifically mentioning the number of men also functions as a mapping of strength in the rebuilding of Jerusalem. The journey they will take is not easy, so various anticipations are needed in order to reach their destination safely. Apparently behind the recording that seems to be only a report, there is a detailed intention that has been carefully thought out.


Bible friends, let us reflect on our respective lives. Maybe all this time our plans have not been realized because of a lack of thoroughness and readiness in realizing them. Making good plans must be done by involving God in it. Only God is the source of our wisdom and strength always.

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