God is the Foundation of Everything

Daily Devotional | 17 Januari 2025

God is the Foundation of Everything

God's presence in life is something that is the foundation of all our directions of movement. We often forget and consider ourselves capable enough to face everything without His wisdom and guidance. So as His people, it is important for us if our whole life is truly directed towards God. We place God as the highest and overcome all the dynamics of life that we experience.


Our reading at this time expresses this situation. Ezra will soon go to Jerusalem and join the Jews who years earlier had begun the restoration of the house of God and restarted the wheel of life. With very good records, the people who participated in the group were documented in detail. Because of this action, Ezra realized that the people from the Levites were not in the group. He then sent some people to gather the Levites and invite them to join the group to Jerusalem. Why is the existence of the Levites important? As we know, since the time of Moses, the Levites had been appointed by God to be the caretakers of the temple of God with all its worship. In Ezra's time, it is likely that this provision was still in effect because in verse 17 it is revealed that the purpose of inviting the Levites was so that they could serve in the House of God. In the end, because of God's mercy, the Levites arrived and returned to Jerusalem with the group.


Ezra's determination reflects what was his priority. The Levites played an important role in establishing worship in the house of God which would later be rebuilt. Perhaps in Ezra's mind, the new and sturdy building must be accompanied by a burning spirit of worship as a sign of full worship to God. In addition, on the banks of the Ahava River, before leaving, he declared a fast so that they would learn to humble themselves before God and ask for His mercy. Protection from God was the only thing His people needed, even Ezra refused the king's offer of an escort based on this belief. Thus, God alone was the center of all Ezra's actions and his main priority.


Bible friends, let's reaffirm our commitment and priorities. If so far it has been shifted due to various dynamics of life that occur, now we return devotion and worship only to God. Do everything by first considering His will and base all our actions on His wisdom and determination. Surely we will always feel God's presence, even though what happens can be full of challenges and difficulties.

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