There are many lessons we can learn from Ezra’s preparation and journey to bring the group of Jews to Jerusalem. Starting from effective recording and organization, prioritizing worship and devotion to God, and his submission to God by relying on all these processes solely on the wisdom and wisdom of God.
All the conveniences received by Ezra are also interpreted as a manifestation of God’s help. King Artaxerxes who allowed them to return to Jerusalem even supported the journey with material assistance. The gold and silver along with all the equipment of the house of God were special offerings that had to be managed well. All of these treasures were brought without any guard whatsoever. In fact, the distance they had to travel was 1,500 kilometers with various threats accompanying them such as robbery, and others. After four months they arrived in Jerusalem. After resting for three days, they held worship at the Temple by offering burnt offerings and sin offerings.
Humanly, the journey was very difficult, almost impossible. But just as in the past the ancestors of the Israelites, God was with them on their journey from Egypt to the promised land, so He was with them on their journey back to Jerusalem. They were spared from danger throughout the journey. Even starting the journey was difficult, where Ezra had to convince the Israelites who were born in the land of Babylon - who were probably already living well - to return to Jerusalem. This confirms God's presence who is able to help His people as long as we always surrender and depend fully on Him in every struggle we do.
At this time, we may be struggling with various challenges and struggles. The Word of God at this time reminds us to always struggle to face all the challenges and struggles in life. We are invited to always rely on God and prioritize His will in our lives. May God always strengthen our footsteps in this pilgrimage of faith until we return home into the embrace of His love.