Asking for His Forgiveness

Daily Devotional | 19 Januari 2025

Asking for His Forgiveness

In our understanding of faith, sin is something that befalls every human being. We cannot avoid sin that leads to death. Be thankful that God wants us to avoid sin. Through His grace, He guides and embraces us. Unfortunately, humans are such fragile creatures and full of limitations that we easily return to sin and its various temptations. Therefore, constant repentance is needed that directs us to God’s grace and forgiveness. The problem is that many of us continue to harden our hearts, make various unnecessary justifications, and ultimately become further away from God.


This struggle was also felt by Ezra and the Israelites who had just arrived in Jerusalem. Upon arriving there, Ezra received a report that the people who had arrived in Jerusalem earlier apparently could not strengthen their hearts and fell into sin. These people practiced mixed marriages with foreign nations around them. In fact, in the law of the Torah, for example in Deuteronomy 7:1-5, such a thing is not desired by God. Those who do so compromise holiness because there is a great risk that they will eventually turn from God to idols.


Hearing this report, Ezra showed his regret and mourning. At that time, these feelings were commonly shown by certain actions such as crying, tearing clothes and robes, and even pulling out hair from the head or beard. Ezra's actions showed extreme regret and sorrow. He cast his gaze on past history which also contained the sins of the people and even kings and the rewards that had to be received as a result of these sins. Maybe there was a question in Ezra's mind, whether history would repeat itself.


All these feelings, regret, shame and sadness became the main driving force for the confession he expressed. Personally, Ezra was innocent, but he confessed his sins and asked for God's forgiveness on behalf of the people he led. In all humility he hopes for God's mercy and forgiveness. The basis of this request is really strong, namely the memory of God's goodness to the nation. Even though they are in exile, God is still willing to care for them, even accompanying everything so that returning to their ancestral land becomes possible.


Bible friends, let's reflect for a moment. Isn't our life also full of sins and mistakes that we have committed against Him? So in all humility, admit it all before Him. Sin is never hidden from God, only we, with all our pride, feel we can hide it all from Him. The God we worship and believe in is a God who is forgiving and merciful to everyone, who comes with humility and self-honesty.

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