Surrender to God's Sovereignty

Daily Devotional | 26 Desember 2024

Surrender to God's Sovereignty

Every relationship presents its own dynamics. So is our relationship with God. Often there are various dynamics there. In prayer we often ask Him, but at one point we question whether our prayers and requests are heard by Him and will be granted. There may be many other questions that arise, but one thing is for sure we want to learn to hold fast to the truth that is based on a relationship with Him.


Our text today describes an event that occurred when Jesus had just finished preaching on the mountain. Many people were amazed by His teaching. People came in turns to follow Him. Then a man with a skin disease that made him unclean came. He fell down and worshiped and said: "Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean": What an interesting question to reflect on more deeply. From this question, the message is implied that he did not doubt Jesus' power to heal, but rather a form of humility to ask about God's willingness. This means that from this question he wanted to express his full surrender to Jesus. In addition, what he asked for was cleansing. It is more complete than just being healed but also a social and spiritual recovery. At that time, people with contagious skin diseases would be socially and spiritually ostracized, they were considered plagued because of their sins.


Apparently, Jesus was pleased to heal him. After being healed of his illness, He ordered the man to give testimony to the priest. He ordered this because He wanted the man to follow the law and give testimony to the priests through the fulfillment of the law of Moses (Leviticus 14). This was a form of recovery for the man physically but also socially and spiritually. It is not told in the text whether the man finally met the priest and offered a sacrifice. However, if that was true, how brave and great his faith was, considering that he was previously a marginalized person.


Bible friends, let us continue to live by holding fast to the true faith in Him. Among the many requests that we submit to God, do not forget to maintain full surrender to Him. Submit our requests with full confidence, but base them on the sovereignty of God who overcomes all things. Believe that ultimately God is a good Father for every human being who fully surrenders to Him.

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