Responding to God’s Call

Daily Devotional | 11 Desember 2024

Responding to God’s Call

Responding to God’s call in the world we live in is not easy. There are always reasons to refuse to be involved in His call. The form of the call may be an invitation to respond to others who are in trouble or an offer of service that we receive. This time we want to learn from the disciples in responding to Jesus’ call to follow Him.


Jesus began calling His disciples with an invitation to follow Him. The word “follow” (in Greek akoloutheo) is a characteristic of the disciples and congregation in the Gospel of Matthew. These disciples did not hesitate or delay. They left their livelihoods and families for the greater calling. The term “fishers of men” was once used by the prophet Jeremiah (Jeremiah 16:16) in the context of judging the wicked. But Jesus turned it into a hopeful call, gathering believers into the Kingdom of God. However, this mission still carries a judicial dimension, as emphasized in Matthew 13:47.


Unlike the rabbis' disciples who sought their teachers, Jesus' disciples were called directly by Him. This calling was not only based on their abilities, but also because of Jesus' authority to call with authority. This calling was also universal, attracting not only Jews, but also other nations from the Decapolis, Syria, and beyond the Jordan. This illustrates that the salvation brought by Jesus transcends ethnic and geographical boundaries, inviting everyone to become part of the Kingdom of God.


Bible friends, Jesus' call to His disciples invites us to reflect on our commitment as followers of Christ. Are we ready to leave worldly comforts and priorities to follow Him? Often these two things are what make us delay carrying out His calling or even refuse to obey His commands. The willingness to follow God and respond to His calling is a form of gratitude for the salvation that He has bestowed.

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