The Kind Hand of My God Protects Me

Daily Devotional | 25 Januari 2025

The Kind Hand of My God Protects Me

Often we have good plans that we want to make happen, whether in relationships, work or ministry. However, often these plans are not realized because of obstacles that come from within and outside ourselves. Therefore, it is necessary to base all these plans on the wisdom and help of God. God is the creator of all things, so in His power He also has the power to realize all our desires as long as they lead to goodness. This is a process that Nehemiah was very aware of.

Nehemiah lived as someone who was very trusted by the king. As cupbearer, his job was not only to ensure that the king's drinks were safe from poison, but also to be a trusted advisor. However, in the month of Nisan in the twentieth year of King Artaxerxes' reign, Nehemiah could not hide his sadness and concern over the destruction of Jerusalem, the city of his ancestors. When the king asked about Nehemiah's sadness, he became afraid. At that time, showing sadness in front of the king was considered an insult, and could even result in the death penalty. However, Nehemiah did not hide the truth. He honestly explained that his heart was broken because the city of his ancestors was destroyed and its gates were burned.

The prayer that had been offered previously gave Nehemiah the strength to express his request to the king, namely permission to go to Jerusalem and rebuild the city. Not only that, he also asked for letters that would give him access to cross the territory and get wood from the king's forest. Nehemiah seemed to have made a mature plan. Everything he did went well because God Himself was with him in every process. The permission given by King Artaxerxes to Nehemiah was not merely the result of his courage, but because there was "the good hand of God" on him (verse 8).

Bible friends, like Nehemiah who put his plans in the hands of God, we should also gain the awareness to put God first in our plans. God led Nehemiah to face whatever he needed in fulfilling his calling. God's goodness is an immeasurable gift to us. So let's continue to relate to Him, so that we do not hesitate to make various plans that are dialogued with our faith as believers. Continue to depend on God's good hand.

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