Celebrating the goodness of God

Daily Devotional | 10 Februari 2025

Celebrating the goodness of God

In the fast-paced modern life, people often associate happiness with material achievements and worldly success. However, in this busyness, many feel empty even though they have everything they want. In the midst of the hustle and bustle of life, we often forget that true happiness does not lie in what we have, but in our relationship with God. The story in Nehemiah 8:11-19 teaches us how the Israelites found true joy, not because of their physical condition or worldly possessions, but because of God’s forgiveness and guidance that brought them back to their homeland.


Understanding God’s Word became the source of their faith strength. When God’s law was read and explained, their hearts were opened and they began to understand God’s will. This awareness brought new comfort and hope. God’s Word gave clear direction in life, awakened faith, and instilled hope that their future was in God’s hands. The important thing that we need to pay attention to here is the seriousness of the heads of the families, priests, and Levites to learn to understand God’s law together. With Ezra's guidance, the leaders deepened their knowledge of God's Word, as a form of responsibility for their role in teaching and guiding the people.


As mentioned in verse 13, that the people of Israel rejoiced because they understood all the words that were explained to them, it did not stop there, the people also lived it by celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles again. They built booths from several types of leaves and lived in them. This was the first time the people had done this since the time of Joshua son of Nun. This action was not just a ritual, but a form of obedience to God and an expression of joy for His faithful love.


Bible friends, we are reminded again that true joy comes from a right relationship with God. God's forgiveness and guidance are far more valuable than worldly possessions. Celebrating God's goodness does not always have to be in the form of a big celebration. Simple actions such as being grateful every day, sharing with others, and being faithful in worship are some ways that can be done to celebrate and remember God's goodness in our lives. Therefore, let us learn to live His Word, and celebrate His faithful love in every aspect of our lives. Because, when we live in God's truth and grace, no situation can rob us of our joy.

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