Listening to the Word of God

Daily Devotional | 9 Februari 2025

Listening to the Word of God

A traveler lost in the desert, after days of walking in thirst, will feel indescribable joy when he finds a spring of water. That is how the human soul is when it hears the word of God after being separated from Him for a long time. The word of God is a spring of life that restores and revives a withered spiritual spirit.


Nehemiah 8 records an important event when the people of Israel welcomed with joy the reading of the word of God by Ezra. Those who had been scattered and far from God's law, now gathered as one people to hear His word. With full awareness, the people asked Ezra to read the Law of Moses (Nehemiah 8:1-3). They came not because they were forced, but because of a deep longing for the truth. From morning until midday, they listened attentively to the word of God. There was no complaint, no boredom, only perseverance in absorbing the truth. Ezra stood on a wooden pulpit that had been prepared. When the book of the Law was opened, the whole people stood (Nehemiah 8:5). Showing how much they respect the word of God. After hearing the word of God, they raised their hands, said "Amen, Amen!" then prostrated themselves in worship of God. This response shows that the word of God not only touches the mind, but also stirs the heart and leads to sincere worship.


Hearing the word is not enough, true understanding is needed so that the truth can be lived and applied in everyday life. In our current text, it is recorded how the hearts of the people were moved when the word of God greeted them. Even the touch of the word of God embraced their souls and made the people cry because they were aware of their sins. Through this event, we can interpret the word of God as a mirror that shows the condition of the human heart, brings awareness of sin, and encourages true repentance.


Bible friends, the world we live in today offers so many voices that distract us from the truth. However, only the word of God can revive our tired and weak spirits. So, let us with deep longing continue to come to His word, listen, understand, and obey Him.

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