Remembering and Celebrating God's Faithfulness

Daily Devotional | 14 Maret 2025

Remembering and Celebrating God's Faithfulness

Imagine a small child who almost drowns in a fast river. He screamed for help, but the stronger current dragged him along. At a critical moment, someone jumped into the water and pulled him to shore. The child cried in fear, but was also grateful that his life was saved. Days passed, and he began to forget about the incident. However, his parents didn't want him to forget. Every year, on the same date, they held a simple celebration, a reminder that he had been saved and how precious the life he was given was. Likewise with the Jewish celebration of Purim. They were once on the verge of destruction, but God turned things around. To commemorate His faithful love, they established Purim as a memorial for generations.

Esther 9:20-32 records that Mordecai established the festival of Purim as a day to commemorate the liberation of the Jewish people from enemies who wanted to destroy them. The word “Purim” comes from the root “Pur,” which in Babylonian means lottery. In the past, Haman used "pur" to determine the day of the massacre of Jews throughout King Ahasuerus' territory. However, God turned things around. The Jews were saved, while their enemies were destroyed. What was once a day of fear turned into a day of feasting and joy. They shared gifts, gave to the poor, and celebrated God’s miraculous provision.

The holiday of Purim is not just a time to remember the past; it is also a time to share. The Jews sent gifts to each other and helped those in need. It is a beautiful picture of lives that have been touched by God’s grace. When we are saved, that joy should not be kept to ourselves but shared with others. Mordecai and Esther made sure that this holiday was not just a momentary commemoration, but was celebrated every year. Why is that? Because humans easily forget. We often forget God’s help in difficult times and feel afraid again when faced with new challenges, as if we had never seen His work before.

Bible friends, remembering is an act of faith. Often, we forget God’s work in our lives. When we face difficulties, it is easy to feel as if He has abandoned us. However, if we take the time to reflect on our journey, we will see God’s hand in every step we have taken. In addition, we are invited to live our lives with gratitude and a spirit of sharing. When God gives us victory in our lives, do we just enjoy it ourselves? Or do we use it as an opportunity to channel blessings to others? Like the Jews who celebrate Purim, we are called to be grateful not only with words, but also through real acts of love.

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