Get Involved in His Works

Daily Devotional | 23 Februari 2025

Get Involved in His Works

A good and growing religious life is actually based on the awareness of each adherent to get involved and live their respective roles. Perhaps we can reflect on the life of our church or fellowship. Isn't the church organized like an organism driven by its members who dedicate themselves to the growth of His church and the glory of God's name. In the unique role of each person, at the same time care is also built between one another. That awareness is the key to the growth of the church or the fellowship of God's people. 

Nehemiah was well aware that in order to create a stable condition and carry out a complete recovery, God must be involved in it. One of the ways to involve God is by restoring worship in the temple. This was done by ensuring the livelihood of those who served God and were involved in God's work. These people were the Levites. Ever since the Israelites arrived in the promised land, people from the tribe of Levi had been appointed by God to serve God in the temple. They did not get an allotment of land to manage like the other tribes, but in return the other tribes had to ensure the livelihood of the Levites. It was this system that Nehemiah wanted to recreate. 

He ordered the people who returned to Jerusalem to give tithes. In order for the offerings to be managed properly, a number of people were appointed to manage and oversee the treasury and special offering booths. These offerings had to be well targeted and fulfill their original purpose, which was to ensure that the Levites who were assigned to serve in the House of God could live and perform their duties well. If the livelihood of the Levites is secured then they can carry out their service duties to the fullest so that the spiritual life of the Israelites can also be preserved. 

Through God's words today we are reminded that there are many ways to be involved in God's work. There may be those who choose to devote themselves full-time in serving Him or in certain areas where we are called to be involved. On the one hand, the spirit of the Israelites to help the Levites meet their needs while they focused on establishing worship, may be something we can emulate today by supporting God's servants wherever they may be. God's works in the world can be realized with the willingness of believers to engage in them with joy and awareness of God's call to each person.

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