Have you ever seen a child trying to build a sandcastle on the beach? Every time the castle is almost finished, a wave comes and knocks it down, or maybe another child accidentally steps on it. However, the child persists, diligently rebuilding it. This story reminds us of the struggle of Nehemiah and his people when building the walls of Jerusalem. They not only faced physical challenges, but also mental attacks in the form of insults and ridicule. In Nehemiah 4, we are invited to reflect on how faith and perseverance can be a fortress against waves of insults.
Sanballat and Tobiah first appear as those who are disturbed by Nehemiah’s efforts to help the people of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 2:10). They become symbols of the enemy who tries to destroy the spirit of God’s people through ridicule and insults. In Nehemiah 4:1-3, we are told that when Sanballat heard about the building of the city walls, he became angry. In a sarcastic tone, he said, “What are these weak Jews doing?” Tobiah added insult to injury by saying, “Even if they rebuild, if a jackal climbs up on it, their stone wall will fall down.”
Their insults were intended to undermine the workers’ morale. It must be admitted that the workers were not expert builders, and the materials used may not have been perfect. But one thing that was forgotten was God’s presence with His people. In the midst of the wave of insults, Nehemiah showed an extraordinary response. He did not get caught up in an argument with his enemies. Instead, he brought the insults to God, asking for His justice (Nehemiah 4:4-5). In fact, instead of being intimidated, Nehemiah and the workers continued the construction with enthusiasm and increased vigilance by setting up day and night guards (Nehemiah 4:9). This shows that faith must go hand in hand with action.
Bible friends, is not the experience of the Israelites also something we encounter in everyday life. Sometimes when doing something good, there are things that come and intend to belittle what we do. If we focus on those unpleasant words, we may not be able to produce any good works. So, focus on God who has given various talents and callings to each of us. May our lives be completely dedicated to God through all our works and actions.