Our lives are always full of dynamics. Our life of faith is the same. There are always challenges and temptations that require us to always be alert and on guard. From that alertness comes God’s wisdom to overcome whatever happens. The advice to always be alert and on guard is also found in our reading this time.
Today’s reading records how Nehemiah organized the people to guard strategic parts of the wall by carrying their weapons. He not only coordinated technical matters, but also gave spiritual encouragement to God’s people. His statement to the leaders and the people, “Do not be afraid of them. Remember the great and awesome Lord, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives and your houses” (verse 14), shows his confidence in God’s protection that accompanies human efforts.
In the following verses, Nehemiah’s strategy involves a combination of work and watchfulness. Some people worked to build the wall, while others stood guard with weapons. In fact, the workers hold construction tools in one hand and weapons in the other (verse 17). Nehemiah invites the people not only to rely on prayer and trust in God, but also to take real action to face threats. The call to always be alert to challenges and trials is also an implicit message in this advice.
Nehemiah realized that the task of building the walls of Jerusalem required the cooperation of the entire community. Everyone, from leaders to ordinary people, has an important role. This principle teaches that serving God is a collective responsibility that involves the entire community, regardless of social status. In addition, Nehemiah also reminds the people of the reasons they are fighting, namely family, home, and community. Clear motivation gives the people strength to face challenges.
Bible friends, as Christians we are also called to always wear 'weapons' and 'building tools'. Weapons symbolize readiness to fight spiritual challenges, while building tools reflect a commitment to building a community of faith. These two things must go hand in hand. The growth of the church and fellowship always involves readiness to face the various dynamics that occur. Be assured that God will be with us. At the beginning of this year it feels right for us to revive our enthusiasm for vigilance and work for the glory of God's name.