In life, there are times when financial challenges hinder goals and dreams. For example, a small business owner trying to build a business may be hindered by debt, high taxes, or lack of capital. The same thing can happen in church life, limited funds become a challenge in service. The story in Nehemiah 5 shows that financial problems are also one of the factors that hinder the great work in the history of God’s people.
The construction of the wall of Jerusalem was hampered not only by external factors, but also by economic injustice among the Jews. The poor had to borrow money, mortgage their land, and even sell their children into slavery in order to survive. It seems that some of the people who returned to Jerusalem did not have a mature plan regarding their survival. There was an imbalance between building the wall and earning a living for daily needs. This situation became even more complicated because the city’s economy was not yet stable, causing food shortages. The price of basic necessities soared, coupled with the burden of taxes from the Persian government, which became a burden on the people who were struggling to build the city. In the midst of these difficult conditions, some individuals consisting of wealthy Jews took advantage of the situation by providing high-interest loans. This attitude is very contrary to the law of the Torah (Exodus 22:25).
Ultimately, this financial problem triggered social tensions that hindered God's work. Disputes among His people became a greater obstacle than external threats. As a wise and God-fearing leader, Nehemiah did not remain silent in the face of this injustice. He expressed his disappointment and firmly rebuked the leaders and rich people who exploited his own brothers. Asking them to return the land, houses, and results that they had taken unfairly. From Nehemiah's attitude, we can see his submission to God's Torah which upholds justice and liberation for those who are oppressed.
Bible friends, everyone may have struggled to overcome financial difficulties that occur in their lives. Through today's story we learn that God's wisdom and prudence are needed to realize good governance over God's wealth and blessings that we receive. In addition, in such difficulties each person should still pay attention to others and should not be allowed to exploit or take advantage of them arbitrarily. So in faith in God everything must be submitted to the perspective of His way of thinking.