The life we live is a series of choices that always arise. Starting from simple choices such as this morning's menu, to complicated things that require careful consideration. Therefore, determination is needed in making choices and living the choices that we consider right. This advice is always emphasized by the writer of the letter to the Hebrews to the people.
His advice is delivered by showing the superiority of the Melchizedek priesthood over the Aaronic priesthood. Thus, Jesus, who became the High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek, is superior to the Aaronic priesthood and its descendants. The author begins his description by briefly telling the story of Melchizedek, King of Salem, and priest of the Most High God, who welcomed and blessed Abraham when he returned from battle by defeating King Chedorlaomer and his allied kings (Genesis 14:18-20). As an expression of gratitude and respect, Abraham gave a tenth of his possessions (verse 4). Abraham's actions imply that Melchizedek, as the recipient of the offering, has a higher dignity, greater than Abraham who received the promise of God's blessing. To emphasize Melchizedek's position, the author states in verse 7 that "It is undeniable that the lesser is blessed by the greater." In Jewish tradition, Melchizedek is understood as a figure who has a special position, as illustrated by his name which is a combination of two Hebrew words, namely melek (king) and zedeq (truth, justice). Melchizedek means king of truth or just king (verse 2), just as Jesus Christ has been declared as a king who loves truth and justice (1:9). Melchizedek is also called the king of Salem, the word 'salem' comes from the Hebrew word 'shalom' which means peace. This means that in addition to being the king of truth/justice, Melchizedek is also the king of peace. Truth/justice and peace are two great gifts brought by the Messiah (Psalm 45:8, Isaiah 9:5-6). Thus, Melchizedek not only symbolizes the superiority of the Priesthood of Jesus Christ but also His Messiahship. Another special thing about Melchizedek is his eternity. In 6:20 Jesus Christ is presented as the High Priest with two characteristics, namely 'according to the order of Melchizedek' and 'forever' (5:6,10). In verse 3 it is stated that Melchizedek has no family tree, this condition when viewed from a Greek perspective shows a person's humility. However, the same expression (having no genealogy) is also commonly used to express the eternity of the gods. In this case it is clear that the second meaning is more appropriately applied to Melchizedek. In addition, in Psalm 110, Melchizedek is mentioned briefly in the context of the coronation of the kings of Israel, in his description it is implied that he has an equal position with 'my lord' (Psalm 110:1).
Bible friends, the writer of the letter to the Hebrews wrote this message in the context of providing an explanation to Christians from a Jewish background, who were the target of the letter. The hope is that the congregation will be more confident in their choice and decision of faith to accept Jesus, even though they still have to face and interact directly with the Jews, who at that time were very hostile to them. These people who are new to Christ need answers, so that they can respond to the questions often asked by their brothers. By describing Jesus according to the Melchizedek priesthood, this letter aims to show that Jesus has a position as a priest that cannot be matched by the Jewish priesthood system at that time.
Maybe we have doubted the faith that we currently hold. Especially in the current era of social media, where everyone is free to express their views, including views that are contrary to our faith. However, one thing we can always be sure of is that the truth that we hold fast will always endure throughout time. Keep holding on to your faith in Christ, even though there are many challenges and obstacles that hinder our lives.